We all have heard the disadvantages of gaming like video games affect our brain and memory, it hurts our vision, it is unhealthy e.t.c but today this article will change your mind set towards games. We are going to talk about the advantages of gaming. According to many research, gaming improves one's social skills, brain's speed, attention, concentration, coordination and problem- solving skills.

Many multiplayer games such as freefire, PubG and many more involve cooperation with other online player in order to win.

So just seeing the disadantages of gameing we can't boycott it. According to me 45 mins. of playing games is enough which will not cause any harm and you will get a littile advantages to.

Games like GTA (GRAND THEFT AUTO), CAndy Crush, COD (CALL OF DUTY) develops thinking skills in players.

I have been personally playing Grand Theft Auto almost all parts and have noticed playind without seeing arrow keys which help in movement (in game). Games are attractive but much use is harmful. Some games like Blue Whale and Pokeman Go were very harmful and caused even deaths in children. According to me these games should not be made which can cause risk to lif and property.

Games developers spent about crores in making of games. The costliest games in the world is Mario which you all may heard of. i actually don't know about PubG and Freefire but Grand Theft Auto 5 and Call Of Duty also comes in the first 20 costliest games. 

My favourite games is GTA 5 becausse i just love the graphics. Its just like real life. After the release of GTA 5, it first day almost earned its thrice the cost of making the games. 

Games are harmful if used in excess but can be beneficial if used in proper management.

------------------------------------------------games----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------games----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------games----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------games-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------harmful for health-------------------------------

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- Jan 15, 2020, 2:46 PM - Add Reply

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