9 little things that bring us joy during the coronavirus pandemic

Initially, be safe from the covid 19 and perform the several works which helps to manage the time in a beneficial way. Do this works for the management of time.

  1. MEDITATION: when we wake up early in the morning involve in the meditation for fresh day this will blow your mind into a refreshment as well as encourage you to do the work that is skilled and beneficial. It helps to achieve a good moment along with sound health healthy lifestyle. Meditation helps you to the achievement of the overall element such as oxygen which is important for health.
  2. PHYSICAL EXERCISE: Along with the meditation perform the physical exercise which helps for the proper function of the overall organ of the body. It tends to be fit and increase the good working of the sense organ. similarly, physical exercise maintains muscle at the proper condition. It promotes sweating which extracts the harmful chemical substance from our body.
  3. LEARN THE BEAUTY TIPS: Manage or collect the herbs  and prepare the ingridents which helps to upgrade your beauty especially for the girl. Generally learn the tips for being beauty from the videos which are uploaded in the social sites. Get informed about the herbs which are beneficial for beauty.
  4. PLAY THE MOBILE OR COMPUTER GAMES: To enjoy the time participate in the computer or mobile games. The latest game you most involved for the utilization of time especially plays these games such as PUBG, FIFA, FREE FIRE which give lots of enjoyment and recreation. We enjoy the moment as a real player on the real battleground, similarly, you can experience the real footballer on the FIFA.
  5. INVOLVE IN HOUSEHOLD ACTIVITIES: Support the family for the competition the household work at the time . Engage in the preparing coffee, tea, foodstuff and try the various recipe that helps for the best taste at the house. Clean the house and manage the garden as well as best care for the flower this help you utilize the time properly.
  6. SPREAD AWARENESS ABOUT THE SAFE FROM COVID 19: manage the trained and well-personalized group who are fully known about the prevention. Aware of the people about the symptoms, prevention and how to get rid of it. Arrange awareness programs to the community people about its effects. similarly manage the vaccines and medicines against symptoms of cough, fever, headaches. Teach the method of proper handwashing according to WHO protocols.
  7. BE UPDATED ABOUT THE RECENT SITUATION: Get connected with the page of WHO that lets you several information about the current condition of the  COVID 19. Similarly be connected with the radio, television as it is the main source of COVID 19. Determine the new cases around the global devastation. Similarly know the number of suspect death etc
  8. MAKE THE GREAT BOND BETWEEN OUR FAMILY: Initially be the strength of the family member supporting them to be the upgrade the internal strength. Enjoy the various reality shows as well as a drama which helps fo the achievement of recreation and happiness. 
  9. PRAY FOR THE WORLD: Finally, pray the god for the reattainment of the safe world and pray for the guilty who were suspect and death for the peace in heaven. Let's hope that the almighty will make earth as scenery of the best  nature again

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I am 10 standard student belongs to Nepalese nation

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