7 Habits to Stay Healthy

According to a dictionary, a habit is defined as “a set pattern of behavior or a general pattern of behavior” or “a pattern of behavior often repeated over and over again”. So, by definition, a habit is something that is repeated and creating healthy habits is always important for our health. While eating vegetables once in a while or exercising once in a while is good, doing these exercises more often and regularly is the most beneficial.

In fact, the structure of your day and the habits you choose to pursue can have a profound effect on your physical, mental, and emotional health. Regular and consistent health habits can make the difference between working hard or striving to achieve your health goals. Although everyone is different and everyone's life is different, there are some common daily habits that everyone can use to achieve a better life. Surprisingly, some of the most beneficial daily routines have nothing to do with diet and exercise at all.



1. Get Up Early

Well, you don't need to wake up in the sun every morning, but getting up at a good time (in the morning) is important for a healthy life. The human body and mind have evolved to follow a circadian rhythm that helps regulate sleep and wakefulness patterns set by our natural environment, especially sunrise and sunset. This natural circadian rhythm is also associated with natural levels of natural cortisol: a hormone known for its role in the digestive system, immune system, stress response and energy level. In moderation, cortisol levels begin to rise 2-3 hours after bedtime and continue to wake up very early which helps to wake us up. Cortisol levels in the body will then rise around 8:30 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. and continue to decline gradually as the day progresses. Therefore, following the body's natural circadian rhythm and cortisol levels is an easy way to increase energy levels, productivity and overall health.

2.Exercise regularly

Regular exercise keeps a person healthy and improves his mood while maintaining his weight, strengthening his muscles and being active.
Meditation - Meditation is mental, which is physical exercise. Only 10 minutes allotted for meditation in a day will lead to greater concentration, calmness, less anxiety and greater awareness.



3. Start your day with a healthy breakfast

Eat something high in fiber that includes protein to keep you full and strong. If you start the day well, get used to eating better overall and it helps reduce your risk of diabetes and improve heart health. Not only that, but eating breakfast helps reduce brain fog, so you’ll be ready to go to those morning meetings.
Tired of the same bowl of oatmeal? Add a different input to make it more enjoyable. Omelets don’t have to be boring, either. Sprinkle your favorite salsa, cheese and eggs to wrap the whole grain with a quick and easy breakfast burrito. The options are endless.



4. Drinking plenty of water 

The human body makes 70% of water on average. In order to strengthen the muscles and enable normal flow of body function, it is very important that one uses at least six to eight glasses of water daily.



5. Spend Time Out

Getting fresh air regularly is one of the easiest ways to improve your whole life. Sun exposure causes the body to produce vitamin D, which has been shown to have many important functions in the body. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to fatigue, weakened immune system, bone and back pain, low mood and depression. Ironically, vitamin D is one of the most commonly supplemented vitamins, and daily exposure to the sun can be an easy solution to your anxiety. So, whether it is spring, summer, winter or fall, be sure to spend some time outside every day.



6. Learn Something

Learning has both physical and mental benefits, and those benefits can last a lifetime. Reading can not only stimulate growth, but can also help reduce stress, prevent age-related depression, and promote good night's sleep. Learning is exercise for your mental health and, in the same way that you take care of your body, it is important to take care of your brain.



7. Go to bed early

Sleep is the only time of day when our bodies are able to rest, relax and recover. Unfortunately, many people are deprived of the recommended eight hours of sleep each night and this can have serious consequences for our health. Many people postpone bedtime because of other activities; including television, social media, and video games, but in the long run this could cost us our lives. Insomnia, or poor sleep, has been linked to memory problems, mood swings, weakened immune systems, altered eating habits, and increased aging. Needless to say, sleep has been shown to support weight loss due to lack of sleep has been shown to create hormonal imbalances in insulin, leptin, cortisol and many other hormones, which have a significant impact on weight. In addition, going to bed early will make waking up easier, which is one of the most important daily activities you can do. So, if you are a night owl, try to go to bed early by giving yourself time to get home because, let’s face it, nothing productive happens after 10:00 at night. Turn off digital devices, turn off the lights, read a book and focus on getting a blindfold.

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