Generally, most of us have the curiosity to know that ghosts really exist or not. sometimes we experience things that we can't describe in words. to feel something which we can't see but we scared about it. there are many ways from which you connect with them you can talk with them. this not for soft-hearted.


1. Charlie Charlie

In this method, you just need a pencil and candles. you have to divide your table into the four sections of yes or no after keeping the pencil at the center of the table one should be horizontal and the other should be vertical. then light up the candles and just you need to ask charlie are you here, if spirit will their pencil will move.

many people claim that it works. if you start that you have to end also after then you have to ask for quitting the game.


2.Quija board 

It is one of the oldest methods for contacting ghosts and spirits. it a kind of flat board in which the alphabet and yes and no are written. all you need is one kind and 2 or 3 people to do this. you just need to keep the coin at the center of the board and keep your one finger on the coin then ask a question to the ghost if something will be there the coin will leave from the place and the spirit will talk with you through the board.

it is one of the very famous methods. Ouija board will only cost you 10 to 30 dollars.


3. Summon of a fairy

this method is basically for call good spirits. in this method you need to draw a circle and a small to footprints and sugar. so you just need to walk the footprint on the sugar and drop a sugar on it and chant a mantra “Little folk of flashing wing, little folk of dancing feet, hear my words to you and bring, blessings with you when we meet. after that the good and the angel spirit will contact you.


4. Bloody merry

In this method, you need to stand in the bathroom mirror by putting off the lights and with a candle in your hand and you need to chant bloody merry 13 times after that bloody merry will come. in ancient times many people try to see the future especially girls to whom they will marry in the future.

if a person sees the skull in the mirror, it means she or he will die before marriage .so many people try to see the future through this method.


5. Summon an anomalous

in this method from which you can call a demon. demons are bad evil or bad spirits. for this, you need a motivate like you want something or it can be anything. you just need to put candles and a demon chakra then starts meditating for contacting a demon.

it is one of the best methods to talk with spirits. demon is a real spirit who can take control over the people.

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