Are you a student who studies hard, but struggle to get good grades? Do you feel like your efforts at studies don't give you expected results? Or are you an average student wanting to be a topper?

Well, don't worry. It's not as hard as you think. It is never about studying too much. It's about exploring the right way. You can consider studying 12 hours a day and still not get good results if your idea of studying isn't right.

If you want to be a topper, you have to reconsider your study pattern. Let's look at the five essential tips to get good results, so your efforts at studying don't go waste. 


Planning is the most essential and first step to start anything. For a student, before you start studying, you must have a plan. 

You must note down the total number of chapters. Analyze how much time you would need to complete each section. Also plan, how much can you study in a day. Set your goals as to how much you can cover in a day, week, or month as per your convenience.

A fixed plan in mind helps you cover the syllabus accordingly without getting too stressed. Planning also has to be on a subject basis. Decide which subjects require more time, and which ones can be done in a comparatively shorter period.


It's never a good idea to study under pressure all day. That increases stress. Set time for the day. Decide how many hours you need to consider according to your planned chapters each day. Then, break those hours during the whole day.

If you're planning to study 6 hours, break it into four sections of 1.5 hours or 2 hours with proper gaps. That way, it allows you to settle the studied portion in mind before you start the next topic.

Observe your patterns. If you are habitual of waking up late in the morning, study appropriately at night. Or if you're an early bird, then consider well in the morning. Taking breaks is very crucial to let the study material sink in.


You should always track how much you have covered in a given period and tally it with your set goals. Check if you're lagging.

Make a list of the completed portion. This helps you have a sense of relief and gives you a boost that you've covered a good deal in a decided time-frames. Tick mark all the chapters you've done and remind yourself- "only this much is left."

Whenever you feel demotivated, always focus on your achievements,not on what you have not done yet.


As you are reading the entire chapter, make notes. It's essential to do this. Always make your notes because as exams approach, you cannot revise everything of the 20 chapters each of 40-60 pages.

Study thoroughly and mark essential points to be revised during exam time. Taking notes from friends is okay, but put your efforts into it. You might find specific points important which your friends don't, so it's always a good idea to rely on your strengths.


The worst thing you can do to slow your progress or become demotivated is by asking friends how much they have covered, and then comparing yourself. This just makes you panic and adds nothing to your advantage. Keep in touch with your owns set goals and study accordingly

It's always advisable to go at your own pace, rather than mugging it all up at your friend's pace. 

A lot of students study hard day and night, but somewhere they lack behind. Applying these five tips might help you figure out where you are going wrong. 

These tips can help you study effectively and get you rewarded. Next time you sit to study, make sure to follow these tips, and see the results for yourself.

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Author, passionate writer, teacher, book- lover. Someone who finds stories in every place.