5 things to do to make your day cheerful #Health #Motivation

Cheerfulness is the sign to make your day better. Little things in your life make you happy like meeting with friends, eating food in some of your favorite restaurants, etc. but to make you happy daily some of the things you have to do on a regular basis. It is natural that we think about the difficulties we face and the challenges we have to overcome but there is a real danger is that when we do this we can become weighed down with negative feelings. It is good to step back for a moment from our day to daycare and to list all the things that re going well in our life. Some of the things are discussed below.

  • Exercise or Calisthenics: Exercise is the best thing to do on a regular basis. Physical fitness makes your mind fit and happy. Exercise helps in many ways - It helps you to control your weight, improves your mental health or mood, Helps in keep you learning, thinking and judgment skills sharp. Waking up early in the morning gets freshen up and moves to the parks for jogging, running and for many other things. The greenery we see in the park makes our mind light and happy and good air (oxygen) can be taken in by the body.
  • Spend time with the people you love: It is the best way to make your day. Conversation with the people you love gives positive vibes. If you are in a relationship then talk to the other partner is very necessary. If you do that you got some inspiration and motivation and keeps your mind happy. A spark comes to your body and then you will be cheerful all day. And if you are not in a relationship then give time to your family. Sit with them and eat at least a one-time meal with your family. So, surround yourself with the people you love.
  • Do something you love: Many people love to travel, explore new places, listening music, reading books, surf the internet, swimming, cycle, etc. choose the best in 'you' will give you the difference in your life. Give yourself one or two hours daily. This time will define you that who are you and what are your capabilities if you succeed to do this then your life becomes successful and will be cheerful in your transient life.
  • Smile: 'Smile is the last resort' someone has said it truly. A smile gives a positive impact on your outlook. Always SMILE and let the people get jealous of you. Smile is an ornament that flourishes the beauty of your face. Everybody likes the smiling face nobody likes the dull face. So, always keep a smile on your face no matter what situation you are.
  • Help someone: Helping somebody can give you happiness. Always help others and make your inner cheerful. Helping can be in any kind like social help, any kind of financial help, helping in giving ideas to someone.

                                  "The best to cheer yourself up is to cheer somebody else up"

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A 24 year college going boy pursuing Mass Communication. Want to become a good writer.