5 Steps for a healthy life


Sleep is an important factor in our daily life. I have seen many people who are not giving enough importance to sleep. Our body requires a certain amount of energy for our daily life. Sleep is a process where our body acquires the required energy for whatever you are going to do on the next day. Even if you are free on the next day, yet the body still requires a certain amount of energy for keeping you energetic for the next day. So if you are not having a proper sleep not only your body won't have energy also you will have diseases like migrain and eye pain. So for having an healthy life first step is to have proper sleep.




Water is one of the most essential factor which our body requires the most. The thing we don't realise is our body requires water for almost every process that is taking place in our body. The percentage of water available in our body keeps draining in every second. I have seen people not drinking enough water in cold days because they are not thirsty. The fact is even we are not thirtsy our body still requires water. If you are not drinking water according to what the body requires it leads to many diseases because every single pricess in our body will be almost stopped. So not drinking enough water is an dangerous thing to do. So for leading an healthy life drinking water is important.


It is a important thing to keep our surroundings neat and tidy, Both mentally and physically. If your surroundings is not clean enough there is an high chance that the number of mosquitoes in your surroundings also keeps increasing. We all know what happens if mosquitoes is biting us frequently. Not only in your surroundings   inside your home also you have to maintain this hygeine also when you are going somewhere you should be aware of hygiene. So for leading an healthy life  cleanlines is important.




Workingout daily is also an important factor in our life. It increases the blood flow to all the muscles and keep you fit. You can resist 90% of diseases from daily workout. Burning the fat and becoming fit boosts your confidence both mentally and physically. Its one of the hardest things to do, workout is never easy. That too doing it daily makes it even harder. But if you want to be fit and healthy there is no shortcut from workout you have to do it. So for having an healthy life workout is important.




Enough food is also an important factor in our life. I said enough food not too much neither too less. I have seen many people eating too much food and they says they are not eating too much, they are only eating enough food. The fact is our body doesn't requires that much food. If we are eating food beyond what the body requires it is called fat and our body will become really fat. So don't eat how much you want only eat how much your body requires. Eat as clean as possible, don't eat junk foods. Choose the food what your body wants not what you want. Eat food which contains  nutrients, proteins and calcium. Because that is what the body requires.

              These are the 5 most important steos to follow for an healthy life.


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