10 ways to earn money from online

There are plenty of ways to start making money from home.

I don’t know what your income goals are, but if you want something that works now, you can try :

  • taking surveys for money
  • using reward sites like Swagbucks
  • getting an online job

Using surveys as an example, if your average earnings are about £0.25 per survey and each of it takes 10 minutes to complete, you’ll hit £50 in 33 hours or so.

You can potentially make a couple of hundred pounds per month this way.

But let’s be real here, you’ll definitely get bored of doing surveys or playing with reward sites sooner or later.

Trust me; I’ve TRIED.

It is extremely unrewarding and very, very boring. I mean, sure, it works for a little pocket change, but it really isn’t something that you can continuously do every day.

If you want to make real money online, I suggest you try something like :

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Drop-shipping
  • Amazon FBA

These methods are actually online businesses that have been tried and tested. They can potentially make you enough money to quit your day job too.

I do personally use affiliate marketing as a means to make money, so I’ll go into more detail about that.

Firstly, what is affiliate marketing?

It’s that thing where you make a sale for commissions, right?

Yes, you’re right, but there’s more to it than that.

What if I told you that you could make a commission even without making a sale.

All you need to do is get someone to sign up with their email.

This form of affiliate marketing is called CPA marketing.

How does CPA marketing work?

Simple, you get someone to land on your landing page with your affiliate link in it, and if that person completes the required action, you make a commission.

What makes CPA marketing so attractive?

The main reason is that it is easier to get someone’s email than to get someone’s money.

If you’re serious about making money online, it makes sense for you to start small. Once you’re confident in getting someone to sign up for a program ( which is free, by the way ), you can start trying to make sales.

There are different things you could try:


  • If you are charismatic and know a good deal of information about a specific topic, you should definitely try to open a youtube channel and post videos just talking about that topic. There are currently lots of people doing this and making a huge income. Actually, if you get consistent at this, you can make a living out of this. If you want to know how to start a youtube channel, you should start by watching the youtube video creators channel, where you can learn everything you will need to succeed:
  • You could also open a forex trading account investing in currencies. If you don't know a thing about trading, don't worry, it's easy to get going if you learn in the right place. I would recommend that you watch Jason Stapleton videos on youtube as he has free 4.5+ hours of free training on the subject so that you will get the hang of it very soon:

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