10 Tips to Stay Healthy In Admidst COVID-19


The most challenging thing for all of us is to live Quarantine Life. The human being is a social animal and lives a social life. We all miss our party times with friends, our travel time, and our freedom to be anywhere at any time.

Honestly, I understand your concern as humans; we all have the same interest.

Here you can get 10 Tip to stay mentally healthy, happy, and positive in this Tough Time.

1. Regular Prayer:

Yes, Prayer helps us a lot. Must-Visit this Web Link: http://dailyprayer.us/daily_devotion.php. Chanting Prayer every day for a minimum of 10 mins helps us to fight against adverse situations.

2. Regular Practice of Yoga/ Exercise:

Indeed, Exercise is good to practice even in a negative environment; it brings positivity within you. 

"You have to exercise, or at some point, you'll just break down." --- Barack Obama

You can find some good fitness mantras here on this Web Link: https://www.acefitness.org/education-and-resources/lifestyle/exercise-library/.


3. Follow Your Hobbies:

Yes, hobbies are your best motivator. Do whatever makes you happy or whatever you wish to do, but don't able to do as you are with your hectic work schedule. It's time to do all of those things which you wish to do once as if you love dancing, dance as much as you can. for dancing tutorial visit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8LaBH9v0bSEcEFck0RAfeg

If you like cooking, try some new recipes you can find some recipes here https://www.allrecipes.com/recipes/236/us-recipes/.


4. Help the Needy:

Yes, it makes you feel good http://quotesideas.com/helping-others-quotes-sayings-with-pics-wallpapers/


5. Emotional Connection with your family and friends:

Yes, this will help you as well as others to face the situation amidst COVID 19. There are many ways to be connected https://www.whatsapp.com/https://www.skype.com/en/https://www.wechat.com/en/.


6. Play Games On Mobiles Phones: 

Yes, it will reduce the stress level as well as increase your concentration and help you to divert your mind from negative thoughts. Link of a few gaming apps: https://www.similarweb.com/apps/top/google/store-rank/us/games/top-free


7. Reading News:

it will make you aware of the situation outside your home and the steps taken by my government and local authorities in your local area. Web Link to read news: https://www.nbcnews.com/us-news.


8. Listen to Some  Music:

Music helps us to reduce the stress level. You can Browse some interesting music on https://www.allmusic.com/artist/us-music-mn0001930272


9. Watch Good Movies:

Watching movies is always fun.

But in amidst of COVID-19, watch some motivational movies to fight against the adverse situation of life. 

You can search here: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls069754038/


10. Planning for the coming beautiful future after the Pandemic COVID-19 is over:

Yes, after every Night, there is Morning. to start Your day in Morning, you need to plan your day.

In the same way, life post-pandemic should be planned Today for better Tomorrow.

Link To Read Some Good Planning Stories:http://www.asparkstarts.com/stories-about-planning/.


For your and Yours' Families Mental Stability and health You can follow these ten tips and feel the difference that the God Bless You Life with Super Powers Within You. The Only thing we need to do is to find our powers and find ways to survive in the tough times of humankind. 

Our mind controls our body.

So, to stay healthy, our mind must work properly as well as always surrounded by positive thought and happiness which you can maintain by following these 10 Tips. 



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