10 Tips For Eyes When Using Computer Or Phone

Do you remember the emotion you felt when your home bought a computer for the first time? Surely you did not imagine that years later practically all your day would pass in front of a screen. Of course, this has its advantages, you do not expose yourself to the sun, you can listen to your favorite music while you work, and sometimes you even give yourself the time to fool around on social networks, however, at the end of the day it is super common for you to feel visual fatigue, eye irritation, dryness or even headache.

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If we consider that the average person looks at their cell phone approximately 150 times a day, plus the time they spend in front of the computer, can you imagine the amount of light your eyes are exposed to and the effort it takes to stay relaxed? That is why it is very important that if your work involves long hours in front of a monitor that you start putting these tips into practice to protect your eyes and keep them healthy.

1. Get an Eye Exam:

It does not matter if you are sure you can see well, there are other vision problems such as hypersensitivity to light or dry eye syndrome that are caused by various reasons, including excessive exposure to screens. So don't overlook it and see an eye professional once a year. 

2. Don't Get Too Close:

Keeping the proper distance from the monitor will allow your eyes to be protected a bit more. The ideal position to look at a screen is downward, at an angle of 15 or 20 degrees. With this, the eyelid covers your eyeball more and keeps the eyes moisturized.

3. Reduce Ambient Glare:

In bright environments, it is more difficult to focus on the screen. This is due to the amount of light that is reflected on the monitor and that your eyes perceive with greater sensitivity. Try to place your computer to the side of the windows where the light will not be in front or behind you, close the curtains or blinds, and try to create a balance between the brightness of the screen and the ambient light.

4. Use the "Night Mode" of Your Devices:

Within visible light, there are tones with different amounts of energy, and the more energy they concentrate, the greater the eye strain they produce. Blue-violet light, for example, has more energy than warm tones, and also various theories claim that this light inhibits sleep, which is why devices and apps have included a "night mode" in their settings that changes the color of the interface. by darker and warmer tones that, in theory, are friendlier with your eyes.

5. Blinks Frequently:

When you are sitting in front of the computer, your eyes blink less frequently. This is why you feel irritation and lack of moisture. To avoid this, try to rest every 20 minutes and blink 10 times closing your eyes as if you were falling asleep (very slowly). This will help moisturize and relax your eyes.

6. Wear Anti-reflective Glasses:

If you expose yourself a lot to the brightness of the screens it is very important that you give extra protection to your eyes. Anti-reflective glasses protect you from both UV rays and blue-violet light from the monitor. In addition, they are resistant to scratches and repel dust and water, so they will be your ideal work companions and allow you to see more clearly.

7. Do Exercises to Take Care of Your Eyesight:

Taking a moment away from the screen to exercise your eyesight is very necessary. To do this you must focus on a distant object for 10-15 seconds, then look at something closely for another 10-15 seconds. Finally, look back at the distant object. Repeat this for 5 or 10 times and then yes, go back to work.

8. Eat Foods That are Good For Your Eyes:

You should consume foods with nutrients that strengthen your visual organs. Here are some examples: 

Vitamin C: it is excellent for eye health. It can prevent the formation of cataracts and slow down macular degeneration. You find it in oranges, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and dark green leafy vegetables like broccoli. 

Omega 3 fats: they are essential in the human diet, as they strengthen the nervous system and the immune system. They also stimulate proper visual development and retinal function. You can get it by eating fish, such as salmon, sardines, and herring. 

Vitamin A: helps prevent night blindness. You find it mainly in vegetables, fruits, and vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, and squash. 

Vitamin E: It is a powerful antioxidant found in nuts, cereals, and tubers like sweet potatoes. This vitamin protects the cells in the eyes from unstable molecules called free radicals, which destroy healthy tissue.

9. Hydrate Properly: 

Although there are certain problems that can lead to dry eyes, you may simply be dehydrated. Dehydration comes in many ways, including decreased production of eye lubricant.

10. Rest:

The symptoms of eyestrain are headache, eye strain, blurred vision, neck, and shoulder pain. If you are tired of spending all day in front of the computer, try to get home and stay away from your cell phone or television, at least for a considerable time. 

Remember that daily exposure to the brightness of screens and sunlight can develop certain diseases. But if you want a healthy eyesight, you don't need to end your digital life or stay away from your gadgets forever. You can simply put into practice these valuable tips that will help you protect your eyes and carry out your activities with greater comfort.

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