10 richest women in the world

World's 10 Richest Women

In the whole world, we are always curious to know that in the present time, there are such personalities in the world as a whole who are leading in the world as a whole based on their properties.

 Today, in this article, we will provide information about ten such women of the world who have won the title of being the richest in front of the whole world on the strength of their efficient leadership and hard work.


1.François Betancourt Meyers and Family - France

 According to Forbes, Francois Betancourt is the richest woman in the world. Bettencourt, who hails from France, is the granddaughter of Eugene Schueller, founder of the beauty products company Laurel and a board member since 1997. According to the information of Forbes, his net worth is $ 71.3 billion. His name is ranked 13th in the list of top billionaires in the world and when it comes to women, it is in the first place.



Alice Lewis Walton - UA S

Alice Louise Walton is the daughter of Sam Walton and Helen Walton, the founders of Walmart Inc. Alice is in second place in the list of richest women globally. At the same time, he is the 15th wealthiest person in the world. His net worth is $67.3 billion.

Thus Louise Walton is second on the list of women.


McKenzie Scott - US

 Mackenzie Scott, the ex-wife of Amazon website founder Jeff Bezos, is ranked 22nd in the list of the world's wealthiest people. However, according to Forbes, McKenzie is the third richest woman in the world. Scott has a net worth of $57.1 billion.

 Thus Mackenzie Scott comes third in the list of women.


Julia Koch & Family - US

 Julia Koch, the American company Koch Industries owner, is immediately the fourth richest woman in the world. According to Forbes, his net worth is $ 44.9 billion. Yet, at the same time, he is ranked 26th as the wealthiest person in the world.

 Thus Julia Koch & Family ranks fourth among the richest women in the world.


Yang Huian & Family - China

 China's most prosperous female entrepreneur Yang Huian heads a real estate company. According to Forbes, Yang is the fifth richest woman globally and has a net worth of $31.3 billion. He is ranked 41st on the list of the world's wealthiest people.

Thus in the category of rich women is fifth.


Jacqueline Mars - the US

According to Forbes, Jacqueline Mars is ranked 6th in the world's richest women with $28.9 billion. The source of his wealth is candy and pet food. He is at number 46 on the list of the world's wealthy.

 In this way, Jacqueline's place comes in 6th place in the whole world.


Susan Clayton - Germany

 Susan Clayton's source of income is BMW and Pharmaceuticals. She is ranked 7th in the Forbes list of the world's richest women with a net worth of $25.8 billion. At the same time, Sussanne is the 57th wealthiest person in the world.


Lauryn Powell Jobs and Family - USA

 Companies like Apple and Disney are the primary sources of income for 'The Emerson Collective,' Lauryn Powell Jobs. His net worth is $23.5 billion. She ranks eighth among the richest women in the world. Yet, at the same time, he is ranked 66th among the wealthiest people in the world.


Zhong Huijuan - China

 Zhong Huijuan, the founder of Chinese pharma company Hanson, is the 9th richest woman globally with a net worth of $22.6 billion. At the same time, Huijuan is ranked 70th among the world's wealthiest people.


Iris Fontbona & Family - Chile

Iris Fontbona is a Chilean billionaire businessman. The main base of his income is from the mining sector. According to Forbes, with $20.4 billion, she is the 10th richest woman in the world. At the same time, he is at 87th place among the wealthiest people in the world.


In this way, these women are establishing their name in the leading position with their wealth worldwide and are also giving this message with their ability that women are not less than anyone in any field.

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