10 home remedies to increase stamina and energy

Stamina is very important for every person, be it an athlete, sportsman, factory worker or any other heavy work. Stamina means how much a person can accomplish a task without getting tired. The person who has more stamina is able to do any work more without getting tired. Another meaning of this is the long mental effort required for any person to live a tension-free life.

The most important reason for having low stamina and energy is irregular lifestyle. Such as irregular eating, excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption, drug abuse, excessive physical activity, lack of sleep, excessive stress and depression and dehydration.

Fatigue and loss of stamina and energy after performing any physical activity is a healthy process. But, if you get tired much quicker than normal people then you definitely have a lack of stamina and energy. If you are short of stamina, you can increase your stamina by making some lifestyle changes and adopting some easy home remedies. Here are the 10 most effective home remedies to increase stamina and energy. 

1)  Blackstrap Molasses- Sheera is considered very beneficial in increasing stamina. It contains high amounts of iron, manganese, potassium and copper, helping to maintain high energy levels.

        • Mix one teaspoon molasses in a glass of warm milk or water.

        •Drink it twice daily.

2) Coconut oil - Coconut oil is also beneficial in increasing stamina and energy. It contains healthy fats called MCTs ((medium-chain triglycerides) that easily digest and provide direct energy. Also, coconut oil is beneficial for the heart and helps to increase immunity. If it is consumed in the right amount, it also helps in reducing abdominal fat. Drink 3 to 4 teaspoons of coconut oil daily. You can use coconut oil instead of normal oil in your cooking.

3) Apple Vinegar (Apple Cider Vinegar)- Apple vinegar is also considered beneficial in relieving tiredness. It alkalines the body and helps in keeping it energy-rich. Also, this health tonic also contains plenty of electrolytes which increase the stamina. Add two teaspoons of raw unsweetened apple vinegar to a glass of water. Now add honey according to taste and eat it.

4) Turmeric-Turmeric is a compound called curcumin which has many healthy benefits. The powerful anti-inflammatory properties present in it help relieve tiredness and increase energy levels. Also, turmeric reduces recovery time and helps to increase performance. It also helps in repairing the muscles after exhaustion.

       •Mix one spoon of turmeric in a glass of warm milk and eat it. Add turmeric to your food. You can also take turmeric supplements.

        •Consult your doctor to know its proper dosage.

5) Green Tea- cup of refreshing green tea can also increase your stamina and energy level. It contains poly phenols (polyphenols) that help reduce fatigue and stress and promote good sleep. According to a report published in the American Physiology Society Journal in 2005, regular intake of green tea increases exercise performance by 24%.

  •Boil one spoonful of green tea in a cup of water. Now let it cool for 5 minutes and then sieve it. You can also add honey as per taste. •You can also take green tea supplements. Consult a doctor for its proper dosage.

6) Eat Magnesium-Rich food - Our stamina and energy level are affected in the slightest lack of magnesium in the body. Magnesium plays a very important role in converting glucose into energy in the body. Therefore, whenever your energy level is low, include magnesium-rich foods in your diet. Men's body needs at least 350 grams daily and women's body needs 300 magnesium.

    • Magnesium is rich in dark green leafy vegetables, nuts (almonds), seeds, fish, soybeans, bananas, avocados and dark chocolate.

      •You can also take magnesium supplements, but first by consulting a doctor.

7) Stay Active - Being physically active increases the body's ability to produce energy. Walking or walking in it is more beneficial. It helps in increasing the capacity of the lungs and makes the muscles around the heart strong. Also, it also improves digestion, which helps to flush out toxins from the body. All these factors are necessary for good stamina and high metabolism.

      • Take a walk in the open area every morning. If possible, walk barefoot on the grass.            •Swimming, cycling and running are also beneficial in increasing stamina.

8) Practice diaphragmatic breathing - Practicing diaphragm breathing helps a lot in restoring energy. When our body and mind get more oxygen, it has a calming effect. Also, it helps a lot in fighting depression and stress.

    • Lie directly on a comfortable flat place. Keep your hands on your stomach.

     •Now for 2 seconds, take a long, deep breath from your nose inwards.

      •Now take this breath out slowly from your mouth in 4 seconds. Keep doing this exercise for at least 10-15. Doing this exercise 2-3 times daily will increase your stamina and energy significantly.

       •Apart from this, your stress and tension will also be reduced, which will increase your performance.

9)Oil pulling - It is an ancient Ayurvedic treatment that is used to increase energy. When our immunity system removes toxins from the body, it also reduces our energy level. But, rinsing with oil easily removes toxins, which helps in saving energy.

      • Add two teaspoons of organic coconut oil to your mouth.

      •Now roll this oil in your mouth for 10-15 minutes in each side and in every corner.

      •Now spit this oil out.

       •Never swallow this oil.

        •Now brush your teeth and rinse with warm water. 

     Do this treatment every morning before eating anything.

 10)  Stay Hydrated - 65 to 70 percent of our body consists of water, so due to lack of water in the body, stamina and energy level are also affected. By keeping your body hydrated, you can reduce fatigue and increase energy level. Water also helps to increase stamina by reducing muscle fatigue.

    Drink plenty of water and never be thirsty. Apart from this, you can also consume fruit and vegetable juices. Soup, marmalade and broth also help keep our body hydrated. Also, reduce alcohol and caffeine intake as they cause a shortage of water in the body. 

  1. Additional Tips - Get enough sleep everyday. This will help your body's healing process. While doing manual labor, keep taking a little rest in between. This will help restore energy again. Exclude foods that are excessively fried and have a negative impact on energy, such as samosa, chips, refined food products, sugar, caffeine. Consume foods rich in iron, protein and complex carbohydrates. Make your routine and lifestyle regular.

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