What if we could use 100% of our BRAIN?

What could we do?

If we were to use full capacity of our brain, we could learn any and every language in a matter of just one hour maximun. We could find a way to cure CANCER and execute TIME TRAVEL. We could paint a masterpiece in a minute. We could build a multimillion company overnight and rule the world by tommorow. One can literally be perfect at any job and every department of the world. One can be a scientist, doctor, astraunat, engineer, painter and every thing that come to mind.In short one would be LIMITLESS.

How much of the brain can we use?

The anatomy of the brain is very complex. Scientists are trying to know more and more about the brain on daily basis. For the brain to be SMARTER, it has to be BIGGER! Wrong. The size of whale's brain is bigger than that of a human so does this mean that whale are more smarter than human? Absolutely no. Size does not matter becaouse the size of whale's brain is bigger because its body is bigger and the human brain is smaller because of the body size. HUMAN CAN USE ONLY 10% OF THEIR BRAIN because the brain is consist of 10% neurons and 90% glial cells. Neurons are the agents that carry information throughout the body. If we use 100% of our brain so that is not lossible because the brain has to control kidney, blood stream, lungs's function as well so all 100% of the brain can not be used  in thinking because the body wont allow it.

How can we be SMARTER?

The size of the brain Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Graham Bell is of the same size as yours and everyone else. It is not about the size but the way one utilizes it. One has to be smart and apply smart ways to use the brain more efficiently.There are ways to make the brain SMARTER. Some of them are 1:Use the brain like a MUSCLE 2:Challenge yourself and try new things in life 3:Take enough rest 4:Healthy habits.That is all.Thank you for reading. 

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