|What Happens When A Black Hole Colides With A White Hole|

Before The Fight Starts, Let's Know Some Things About These Two Destructive Objects

So what is a BLACK HOLE

Almost everyone in this world listens to the Black Hole once in his/her life. So black holes are basically one of the most destructive objects in our universe; they attract everything present in their range like a giant vacuum cleaner. The horrible thing is that light can't pass through the black holes, so imagine if you are in space and a black is near you but you can't se it, and it attracts you and when you go inside it, you will doe in seconds.

But now, many of you say we can clearly see the black hole in the given image, so how that's possible that we can't see the black holes? The ring we can see around the black holes in the dust particles and a large amount of energy absorbed by him, and soon it will disappear when the black hole fully absorbs it and increases his size. Now we can imagine what the strength of a black hole is and how destructive it can be. Black holes can be of many sizes. They can be so massive, like our Milky Way galaxy has a giant black hole whose name "Sagittarius A," which can fit 4 million suns in it, while on the other side, black holes can also be a size of a coin but still be most destructive.

So what is a WHITE HOLE-

As we discussed abov,t black holes attract everything in them while white holes are the oppositm. They throw everything outside of it, so now you think how white holes have so much energy inside it. Did they get birth with lots of energy in it?. No, actually, when black holes absorb lots of energy inside them for millions of years, then it transforms into a White Hole, and it starts throwing all his energy, which he had collected when he was a black hole. But until now, scientists don't found any proof of a white hole, but as we know, we saw a black hole recently so that we can predict the existence of these white holes.

So Now Lets Se What Happens When These Two Destructive Objects Meet Each Other

As we know now that Black Holes attracts everything; otherwise, White Holes throw all his energy out of it, so when the meet black hole starts eating the white hole, and the white hole let him eat itself then, after many thousands of light-years later, the gigantic black hole will completely eat the gigantic white hole. The black hole will become stronger than before and again, ready to destroy everything. So basically, the black hole will win, and the white hole had to die. So with this, the topic is now cleared and completed, and I hope you get a lot to know after reading this thanks for reading this; I will soon come with another awesome topic. THANK YOU.

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