Two types of diabetes how they differ

   There are two types of diabetes, which consist of variety I and type II. It is essential to understand the distinction between the two and how the two are treated.


   Type 1 diabetes is commonly found in children and teens, but it can also occur in adults. With type 1 diabetes, there is almost always a total insulin deficiency. As a result, the most common treatment is insulin injections, a lifestyle consisting of diet and exercise, and regular monitoring of blood glucose levels using blood test monitors. Patients who have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes can continue to enjoy everyday life as long as they continue with their treatment and take special care to follow the instructions or recommendations of their doctor.


   With type 2 diabetes, a person's insulin level is usually normal or sometimes even high, but it is not deficient. This form of diabetes is believed to be more complicated than type 1, but ironically it is believed to be easier to treat. Because insulin is still produced within the body, type 2 diabetes often goes unnoticed for years. Symptoms are milder and even sporadic, often reducing the level of concern. The main problem with type 2 diabetes that goes unnoticed is the potential for serious complications, such as kidney failure and coronary artery disease. The initial treatment phase of type 2 diabetes will likely include a lifestyle adjustment to have increased physical activity and a diet geared towards weight loss. The next step will be medication and possibly insulin therapy if necessary.


   Both types of diabetes require the patient to maintain normal blood glucose levels to reduce the possibility of damage to organs, including eyesight, kidneys, blood circulation, etc. For this to occur, patients must carefully monitor their food intake and make sure to engage in regular exercise while continuing to monitor their blood glucose level.


   As of 2006, there is no known cure for diabetes. A chronic disease that affects many, diabetes is best treated through patient education, nutrition, self-awareness, and long-term care. In addition, patients are often urged to be aware of other symptoms that may indicate complications from diabetes.


The content of this article should be used for informational purposes only. It should not be used in conjunction with, or place of, professional medical advice related to diabetes. This article should not be used as a basis for the diagnosis or treatment of diabetes but rather as a source of information designed to explain the difference between the two types. For more information, a diagnosis, or a recommended treatment method for diabetes, people should consult a licensed physician.


Diabetes and Insulin

Diabetes is a condition in which the body does not make enough insulin or does not use insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas necessary for the transport of sugar from the bloodstream to the cells for use as energy. Type 2 diabetes occurs when our bodies become desensitized to insulin, causing our blood sugar to become out of balance. For this reason, we want to do everything we can to remain insulin sensitive. When we are keen on insulin, our bodies do a much better job of moving glucose from the blood into the cells.


   Various herbs, foods, vitamins, and minerals have been shown to promote insulin sensitivity and help maintain proper blood sugar levels. Vanadyl sulfate increases the body's sensitivity to insulin. Gymnema Sylvestre is a well-known herb that helps control blood sugar by controlling sugar cravings and nourishing the pancreas.


   Exercise also increases insulin sensitivity. People involved in athletics are known to require less insulin. In addition to improving insulin sensitivity, exercise helps us control our weight and reduce body fat. Weight control is an essential aspect of maintaining insulin sensitivity.


   Another critical factor in maintaining proper blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity is a healthy diet. Complex carbohydrates found in most vegetables, apples, grains, and nuts are slow to digest. Slowing the digestion process promotes healthy blood sugar levels and avoids the highs and lows of consuming refined sugars. We must also avoid saturated fats. The healthy fats in fish, olive oil, and flaxseed help us maintain insulin sensitivity.


   Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and is the result of insulin resistance. The above methods are extremely helpful in maintaining insulin sensitivity, promoting lower blood sugar levels, and avoiding complications associated with diabetes.

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Pawan yadav - May 4, 2021, 4:13 PM - Add Reply

Nice paid for articles

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