1. Playing objectively


The first tip of tips to increase rank in free fire is playing objectively. It would be best if you did to get Free Fire rank points is playing this game objectively. It means that you cannot be lustful to kill easily if you want to increase the rank fast. So, please make sure that the vehicle is safe first. It is like that to make the mobility is better to move between one place to another place. It is toward the circle or looks for a looting place to get the best weapon.



2. Don’t give up


In this case, you have to focus on the process. The push Free Fire ranks toward Heroic is a marathon. Just make sure that your spirit can be consistent until you achieve the rank Heroic. So, when you once time lose, don’t give up!



3. Using the mainstay weapon


Usually, the players are hurried to kill the enemy. Besides, they also are hurried to safe loot using the best weapon in Free Fire. Even though they do not need and master that weapon. Thus, the great tips in push rank Free Fire are that you must concentrate more on the looting efficiency. Then, collect the equipment needed and save the master weapon. Please remember that the best weapon is a weapon that you master very much.


4. Don’t play solo


The next tip to increase rank in free fire is you don’t play free fire solo. When you play this game alone, everyone can kill you from any spot if you clash in the wrong area. Therefore, you are very suggested to play duo or squad to minimize the loss. Furthermore, please convince me when you play this game, you should play with your usual friends. Why can it be like that? Yea, it is, of course, for them to be more understanding about how about play.


5. Look for the mainstay place


Then, in this tip, you must find your main place to land. It is, of course, for you to get a place that is not too crowded. Just remember that you must focus on increasing the rank. If you are killed in the early game, it is not the best way to get the best rank.


6. Don’t Use Vehicles


When you are in solo play, please avoid using vehicles, even though it is an emergency. Why can it be like that? Yea, it is because vehicles make a lot of noise. However, if you have to use a vehicle, do it, but it is only for a short time. Then, you are suggested to move away from the area hurriedly.


7. Avoid opening parachute


The next tip to get Free Fire all ranks is to avoid opening the parachute. Usually, after having jumped from the plane, you can open your parachute. However, don’t do this! Why can it be like that? Yea, opening the parachute will make the descent slow down. Besides, it can make you land later than your opponents. Thus, they can shoot you, although you are in the air. In this case, you need to know that this game will open the parachute automatically. It will happen when you get close to the ground.


8. Use headphones


When you use headphones, you can listen to the enemies driving the vehicle. It will alert you, and even you can keep yourself under the cover. Besides, is the enemy is shooting you so that you can take action quickly. Thus, use your headphones when you are playing this game.


9. Avoid landing in a crowded place


Before landing, the players frequently will try to get the items first like guns, medical kit, ammo, grenade, and others. Then, they will land in so many buildings. However, it increases the opportunity to encounter enemies. Thus, please land in a less crowded area. It means that there are only one or two buildings.

Well, those are nine great tips to increase rank in Free Fire that you should know. Hopefully, you can understand and apply them well to be the best player in this game.


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