Top 5 Yoga Asanas & Their Benefits

Types of Yoga Poses

1. Kapalbhati Pranayama


Kapalbhati is an element of a yogic body cleansing system that is known as "Shaktkarma". It is a Sanskrit word called Forehead shining breathing technique. This is one of the most practicing asana by nearly 90% of the whole population which has the capability of reducing stomach disorder and also helps in weight reduction. The basic idea of this pose is that the brain and all parts of the skull are cleansed by the exhalation of the strong air into the body.

Some Benefits Of Kapalbhati Pranayama -

  • Helps in cleansing the skin from inside through the excretion of dirt & impurities by way of sweat, thus resulting in clear & glowing skin. You can get a wrinkle & acne-free face by doing this asana regularly.
  • Reduce hair loss
  • Weight loss
  • Enhance Kidney function
  • Can cure Asthama, Sinus as well as Kidney problems

2. Tadasana


Tadasana is a Sanskrit word in which "Tada" means Mountain. This yoga is also known as "mountain pose". In this pose, the body looks like a palm tree thus calling it a mountain pose. This asana is beneficial in stretching of the spine and for correct posture. It is the best asana for increasing height. This poses is the starting & ending of Surya namaskar.

Some Benefits Of Tadasana -

  • Correction of body posture
  • Efficient Prana flow
  • Increasing height
  • Helps in avoiding problems related to nerves

3. Uttanasana


The Sanskrit word Uttasana comprises "Ut" which means intense, powerful, or deliberate and the verb "Tan" means to extend. This pose is a forward bending pose that relieves from stress & anxiety. By binding the hands, it allows the arms to stretch & tighten the shoulders to relax. It also helps in blood circulation to the brain while giving a great stretch to legs.

Some Benefits Of Uttanasana -

  • Relaxes tired muscles
  • Strengthens the Liver & Kidney 
  • Therapeutic in nature
  • Relieves stress

4. Trikonasana

YogaTrikonasana is a Sanskrit word in which "Trikon" means Triangle. This pose is also known as "Triangle pose". The purpose of this asana is to maintain balance. The asana is a great way to stretch several muscles of the body and improves functions. The practitioner begins standing with feet one leg-length apart, knees unbend, turns the right foot completely to outside the left foot less than 45 degrees inside keeping the heels in the line with the hips.

Some Benefits Of Trikonasana -

  • Helps in external rotation of legs
  • Reduces stress
  • Toughens the back
  • Reduces neck pain & headache

5. Dhanurasana


It is a Sanskrit word which "Dhanu" means Bow. This asana has been named after the shape, the body takes while performing - that's of a Bow. This asana helps in reducing weight & also in the reduction of belly fat.

Some Benefits Of Dhanurasana -

  • Massages the digestive system
  • Helps in producing the correct amount of insulin & treats Diabetes
  • Releases stress & helps the mind & body to calm and lets people live moments & serenity.
  • Stretches the chest & helps in easy breathing
  • Beneficial for strengthening thighs, chest, ankles, abdominal organs & spinal cord.


Image Sources -


Image by Pixels from Pixabay

Image by AndiP from Pixabay

Image Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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