Top 5 ways in which social media influences the youth

Social media refers to a host of services available online. It may include applications, different forms of media used in information exchange and some websites.

In short, it comprises of a plethora of platforms that help in quick transfer of knowledge and information.

Is social media a boon or bane? This is a question that has haunted us for years. Does it benefit an individual or hamper his growth? In business terms, does it lead to a spike in productivity or drain in energy?

Let us examine the impact of social media on our lives, with special reference to the youth of the nation.

Skill up-gradation: With the advent of the social media era, many changes have taken place technologically and socially. In order to use social media handles, people needed to understand the use of technology better. This led to skill up-gradation and a bunch of tech-savvy youth; youth who are addicted to electronic gadgets in different forms. 

Bridging the divide: As stated earlier, technological advancement has brought about a divide between the youth and the elderly. There is always a lack of understanding of social media-related aspects by the elderly and the middle-aged. Social media doesn't just refer to the online platforms available to us but the way we think, act and behave. The key is to make social media accessible to all age groups across the country.

Rage among the youth: The world is witnessing a massive change in the way information is being transmitted. We are used to reaching out to people at the click of a button. Sometimes, when we are denied such opportunities, it can lead to frustration and pent up emotions. Consider the present scenario. The outbreak of the pandemic has brought the world to a standstill. Social distancing has become the order of the day. It has altered peoples' lives and we are working remotely. Information exchange is taking place at a rapid pace.

Altered values: Social media has made us think differently. There is a tremendous shift in the way we think. People no longer believe office spaces are essential to carry out work. Our grandparents never had a smartphone with a host of features loaded in it. They valued social interaction more than anything else. The present generation seems to be addicted to the use of technology. Formal communication has taken a backseat and Whatsapp language is being widely used and accepted. Everywhere you see groups of people squatting with mobile phones in their hands, not willing to talk face-to-face. 

A surge in crime rates: Online platforms offer a variety of services from chatting to sharing useful information. It has also led to an increase in the crimes committed in the world. The sharing of confidential information on the internet is sometimes not secure and advisable. Revealing sensitive data such as usernames, passwords and PIN can be disastrous. 

We conclude by saying that the use of social media itself is not a bane. If we are able to invest time and money wisely, it is definitely a boon. Youth should be encouraged to spend time in face-to-face interaction as it has its own benefits.


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