Top 5 habits of successful people

What is success? Is it measurable? How do you know if you have been successful? Why do we brand some people as successful in life?

Success means different things to different people. For some, owning a BMW is a measure of success. For others, it is living in a posh apartment. 

Now let us call this, ''Top 5 ways of being a hero in your own way''. These 5 qualities will set you apart from the rest of the crowd.

  • Going out of your way to help others: Have you ever felt someone you didn't even know helped you by paying your auto fare? Did someone offer to pay part of your school fee in return for nothing? Has someone held your hand when you were in deep trouble? Such persons are indeed extraordinary beings and are regarded as elevated souls. Probably you should help someone today!! All successful people believe in caring for others.
  • Early to bed, early to rise: Yes. Successful people always go to bed early and wake up early so that they can think with clarity!! Sleep is vital to us and helps repair the tissues and systems in the human body. A solid 8-hour sleep helps rejuvenate cells of the human body. When you wake up at dawn, your mind is as clean as a fresh piece of paper. It is ready to take on the day's challenges with a smile!! So you better learn to get up early to have a great day.
  • Try to be yourself: How often have you tried to be someone else? You wanted to be as efficient as your colleague, as careful as your friend, as friendly as your neighbor, as smart as your boss, etc. The list goes on. Successful people are smart enough to realize that it is good to be themselves!! There is no need to mimic anyone or try to be somebody else. After all, people respect you for what you really are. If you imitate or copy someone, you are not respected. So always be yourself and do what you are meant to do.
  • Set goals for yourself: Goals provide clarity to your thoughts. Let's say you are aspiring to be part of the Indian cricket team!! What would be your long term and short term goals? Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? Where will you be in the next 10 years? How did Sachin become so popular? Is it by sheer luck? Never. There would have been a time in his life when he was not recognized. There would have been a phase where he thought all his efforts were going down the drain. When you set goals for yourself, you have a better vision of the days ahead. So start setting your goals, however small they are!!
  • Learn to be proactive: What is being proactive? It means you take action before something happens. It could be that you are planning to get groceries for your family by foreseeing a pandemic, getting your project reviewed by your client on a periodic basis, and so on. Just don't wait for a calamity to arise!! Act before it strikes. Want to be known as successful? Be proactive.

As I mentioned, success is not quantifiable. There is no specific quality that says you are successful. If you want to be successful, you need to be unique in every way.

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