There are a lot of Books that can help you understand how to run a business but these five books in my view are the best ways to learn from the people who have created multi-million dollar companies.


1. The Lean Start-up

This book is written by Eric Rise, who himself is a founder and has a well established business in the video game industry. In this book he shares his process of building a business and uses the lean concepts that are generally used in the manufacturing industry. He talks about concepts like a MVP (Minimum Viable Product), which is a product with all the basic functionality. MVP is used to test the product with the customers itself and make the changes based on that studies rather than spending a lot of time building a perfect product that is not used by the customers.His techniques are very practical and are widely used in the industry.


2. Zero to One

This is also an iconic book written by Peter Thiel, one of the co-founders of Paypal and now an investor. This book is about the radical ideas that move the industry towards the future and how to be a part of such a movement. According to him, every founder should look to build on revolotionary ideas rather changing or coping the older ones and thoe who do so are the ones at the top of their industry.


3. The $100 Startup

This is also one of my favourites. This book is written by Chris Guillebeau, who points out at a lot of different business ideas that people came up with and have started their business just under $100. He believes that It is not necessary to have a business that need a lot of fundings and other things. One can start a business in just under $100 and can still have a good return on his investments.


4. 48 Hour Start-up

This book is about Fraser Doherty and his journey to start an oatmeal brand named "Awesome Oats" in just 48 - Hours. He starts from scratch from idea generation to building a product to launching a website and selling samples in local stores. This book is interesting because it tells us how a person can start his/her own business using all the tools that are available online. He mentions a lot of these tools and how to use them at various stages of your business.


5. Good to Great

This book is written by Jim Collins and it is based on his research about different companies that moved from good to great. He defines what are great companies are and how are they different from good companies and how a company which is at a good level become great. He also mentions all the companies that were great once but could not maintain it. This book gives an insight as to how companies can achive greatness in terms of market performance and share values.

This is the list of books that I think anyone who wants to build a startup should read.

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