Top 2 Epidemic Diseases That Shock The World and How They Spread in Past?

Human's existence on this planet is 200,000 years old, during this period, the man not only faced many heavenly and earthly calamities but also defeated them and set off on the path of immense progress. Let us go back in history and see how the following top 2 deadly epidemic diseases spread in the past.

1- The Black Death

This is artistic image of people who infected from Black Death Virus

In the 13th Century, a disease originated in Eastern Europe and was called "The Black Death". It was a devastating global epidemic of bubonic plague that struck Europe and Asia in the mid-1300s. The plague arrived in Europe in October 1347, when 12 ships from the Black sea docked at the Sicilian port of Messina. People gathered on the docks were met with a horrifying surprise: Most sailors aboard the ships were dead, and those still alive were gravely ill and covered in black boils that oozed blood and pus. In a short time, millions of people fell victim to the disease and the disease took the form of an epidemic very quickly. Nearly half of Europe's population was affected and about 50 million people died from this fatal disease. But nothing lasts forever, after every dark night, there is a light. The sun has risen again in Europe and the plague has ended after a devastating 5 years.

2- The Spanish Flu

This picture is taken during spanish flu when medical staff was carrying the spanish flu patients to some isolation place

Similarly, in the 19th century, another epidemic "The Spanish Flu", began from France in 1918, during the final months of World War 1, and historians now believe that the conflict may have been partly responsible for spreading the virus. On the Western Front, soldiers living in cramped, dirty, and damp conditions became ill. This was a direct result of weakened immune systems from malnourishment. During the summer of 1918, as troops began to return home on leave, they brought with them the undetected virus that had made them ill. The virus spread across cities, towns, and villages in the soldier's home countries and spread throughout the world. Many of those infected, both soldiers and civilians, did not recover rapidly. The virus was hardest on young adults between the ages of 20 and 30 who had previously been healthy. The plague affected around 50 million people worldwide and killed between 30 to 50 million people. The plague wreaked havoc in the world for 3 long years and ended in 1920.

Recent Epidemic COVID-19

Human has made tremendous progress with the help of science during the last 100 years. The present age of humans is considered to be the most advanced age of all time. Even in the present time, humanity on earth is facing another global pandemic "COVID-19", that begins from Wuhan city of China in December 2019. More than 2.5 million people affected by the epidemic and about 100,000 already died.

My message to all the humanity is to not lose hope during this global pandemic, because to the present day, nature has maintained the existence of humans on Earth, Nothing is forever, the human will win this war as always, Sun will rise again and soon man will start a new era.

"You can not fight the darkness by running away from it, nor can you overcome your inner demons by shielding them from the world. You must bring it into the light to fight the darkness."

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