Top 10 Tips for Defeat Depression

Because of the comments on our recent suicide list, I thought you would be helpful in compiling a list of things you can do to overcome depression and improve the quality of your life. This is a list of the ten best tips for quitting depression.


    10. Developing interests


    Probably one of the most common reasons for depression is lack of adequate interests and activities. A small number of them become routine and often boring. Interests and activities are very important in mental health, contributing to self-esteem and happiness. It provides satisfaction, helps you feel good about yourself and avoids negative problems, thoughts and feelings. Recognizing this can sometimes cure depression, pain, drug addiction, explosive anger, anxiety, extreme anxiety, or guilt, especially if you do activities every time you experience a negative emotion. There are many things you can do in this area: homework, visiting the sick or elderly, developing a hobby using your hands, and more.


    9. Maintain a positive attitude


    Negative thinking plays a big role in depression. Research shows that depressed people reduce their achievements, talents, and qualities. Happy people experience failure, disappointment, rejection, negative emotions, pain and also suffer a lot like sad people. But happy people accept grief and suffering as a normal part of life, maintaining a positive attitude while doing all they can for their problems. This makes it more enjoyable to be with them and improves your social life. The joy part is a daring choice to love life in a state of sorrow, a chosen situation, or a vision of things.


    8. Solve your personal problems


    Work on your personal problems and take small steps to ensure that you are not overwhelmed. Just work on one or two simple things at a time, and break big or complex problems into goals that you can easily achieve. Use rewards, friends, family and support groups. What are the negative or stressful situations in your life? What can you do with them? Do not give up and keep your problems going. Think about the solution and ask other people for ideas. Some depressed people reject all possible solutions and find a reason to dismiss each as unacceptable, unpleasant or impractical. Do not allow negative thinking to solve problems. Keep an open mind for all possible solutions.


    7. Create a positive social life


     Social life Work to make your social interactions more positive by showing warmth to others, being interested in it, developing and sharing interests and activities, etc. Ask your friends and loved ones to ignore your depressive behavior and stop calls and visits. He spends more time with you and sinks into self-pity and shows more warmth and interest when he acts more normally. Tell them not to feel sorry and feel guilty for dealing with their depression.  


This brings us to point 6:

    6. Stop Misbehaving


    If you complain, cry, talk about sad feelings or talk about problems, your friends and loved ones will probably respond with sympathy and love. Unfortunately, these loving responses are rewarded and help with depressive behaviors. Some friends or family also handle the housework for a depressed person who stays in bed or asks for help. Then, it rewards passive or dependent behavior. Perhaps you reward yourself if you drown in negative thoughts or self-pity. Many depressed people eat, spend more money, misuse addictive drugs, or have loveless sex to feel better. Eliminate these and other subtle rewards for depressive behavior.


    5. Be Realistic


    Check your expectations or priorities in a positive life and, if necessary, adjust them to a better fit reality. Depressed people often think that they cannot be happy without certain things, such as a lover, a special lover, material possessions, too much income, and so on. You can eliminate these problems by changing your negative thinking and learning to accept the situation. Some weird situations or people just won't change. However, if you can do something about a problem, you should. For example, you should leave an alcoholic husband or go to school to prepare for a better job.


    4. Make changes


    Change bad habits that keep you depressed. Work on replacing negative thoughts with positive thinking choices every day. If you blame circumstances or other people for your depression, you should counter these thoughts of helplessness by reading or repeating: 'I was discouraged about it. I don't want to answer like that. 'Use vocal skills, good problem solving skills or more positive thinking next time a similar situation arises. If you often assume that other people think bad about you, then 'No I cannot read or repeat the minds of others. 'Humor also helps a lot in facing the problems of life without being immersed in negativity.


    3. Get active

    Exercise and proper nutrition should be seen, not as a quick fix, but as a tool to improve our future slightly and facilitate our other therapeutic efforts. So we are less likely to leave after a short period of time, as we do not expect an immediate cure, but have a little more control over our emotions and the state of our lives. You are not required to run a marathon; A daily walk of just 30 minutes can be a big step in the right direction.


    2. Adjust Your Diet


    Steak meals are ways of drinking tea, hunger and drinking that can suppress our emotions. When emotions are suppressed, it eventually comes out later in other ways, such as through depression. By eating too much, you are just taking out the feelings you have to deal with. Think of it this way: Every time you eat / suffer from hunger when you are not hungry, you try to suppress your emotions, which in turn will make you eat / suffer from hunger. Next time you feel hungry or eat, think of a phrase like this: "I want my feelings to come out so that I can deal with it. If I eat hungry now, I will hurt myself and get into the problem." Will create. " Worse. So I am going to wait for my next meal. "You will be controlled by how quickly your eating habits are controlled. Try to eat a balanced meal three times a day without any gaps. Remember that there is no appetite. A bad thing. It is a natural The physical reaction is. Processing of all the foods you eat.


    1. Control your thinking


    Think one more thing is to consider removing the sad word from your vocabulary. Rather, consider these feelings as depressive moods. The word "depression" has a lot to do with it; If you consider your feelings as 'low mood', then you can more easily appreciate the fact that there is also a higher mood. Less rain seems more controllable.



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I am Aashish a simple articles or contents writer. Since childhood, I am fond of writing . I give great importance to the work in my life and I work very delegently.