Top 10 Best Ways To Become A Millionaire Fast In GTA 5 Online

Welcome guys, today we are going to talk about the best money making methods in GTA 5 online. You will be amazed by how much cash you will be able to make. So if you want to be a millionaire in GTA 5 then stay tuned with us. So without any further delay, let's get started.

GTA 5 top 10 best  money making ways.

10. Flight school training: The only requirement to do this is to rank 6. If you head over to flight school there are 10 different lessons that you can take which will net you $18,600 if you get a gold medal at it. And there ar e10 lessons, so if you manage to get gold in all of them then you will earn a whopping $186000. Sounds awesome but the thing is that getting gold in every lesson is pretty difficult especially with the later lessons. You might have to give thee lessons multiple times but in the end, it will be worth the effort.

9. Featured adversary mode: You will get double RP and double cash. You can net yourself up to 100 to 200k cash by playing just one game. Playing longer round will you get you more cash. If you get good at this, you are going to make a lot of cash. So do try that.

8. Premium races: For getting into a race you will have to pay a sum of $20000 but if you win the race you will make 100k. So that is 80k profit for you. This is one of the best ways to get rich fast in GTA 5. Some of the races with a high earning price will be surely difficult but with other races not. If you come second or third then also you will be in business.

7. Daily objectives: The daily objective will take around 20 to 30 minutes a day to complete. When you complete them in a row you get a bonus. If you complete the daily objective seven days a row you will get a bonus of 100k. And if you complete thee objectives for 20 days straight you get a bonus of half a million dollars. That is a huge amount of money.

6. Contact missions: These are not be underestimated and can earn you your first million dollars faster in the game. Find out the best contact missions you think will be best like the Los Santos connections and complete them. They can net you up to 80 120k if you play solo. 

5. Biker's business: There are a few differences you can choose from likee meth, weed, cash, coke, etc. The best business you can get into is the coke business. The coke business can make you up to 1k a minute. The second best is meth. Thee the best thing about thee biker business in it is a kind of passive money-making way and you don't have to do much.

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4. VIP Work: These can net you up to 80 to 200k dollars per hour if you are good at it. To be a VIP you will have to have a million dollars in your bank account. It is not easy but easy things will not make you as much money.

3. CEO Warehouses: Here you basically fill the warehouses with supply. Getting crates to these warehouses can get very tricky with the countdown timer. Filling two warehouses simultaneously can gain you some serious cash in GTA 5. You can make up to 150k to 200k in this.

2.Heists: Heists are one of the most powerful methods of making money and becoming a millionaire. These are very much dependent on teamwork and good communication. So do have a reliable team for this. Heists can neet you up to 250k an hour so you gotta do heists with a good team to get rich faster.

1. Import-export deals: The no 1 way to make your first million dollars in GTA 5 is this business. It can net you up to 400k an hour. Highest in the game. So you need to import and export vehicles and make that million bucks. It takes time but it will be all worth the time.

So these were the top 10 best ways to become a millionaire in GTA 5 online. Make sure to follow them one by one or stick to one method if you want. If you need GTA 5 cheat codes to make the game easier and more fun to play. Have a good one guys, Adios.


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