The Color RED

Everyone has few colors they really get attracted to, some colors make us feel happy while others make us confident. Everyones Color choice is very personal... So if one color makes someone happy that very same color might be repelling to someone else.. It is because, Every Human being has their very unique energy that belongs to only them and just like that every color has a unique aura too...let us talk about different colors and the energies related with them but one by one.. 


Today i will blog about one of my favorite color... RED


Red is my favorite color, i love how it makes me happier even when i am already happy. Red generates positive energy and passionate vibes in me, i think most of us can relate with the feeling of warmth that it generates… i am use to seeing tge color red on daily basis either in Emergencies or in Operation theaters during surgeries. For me it depicts LIFE.


 Once during my medical school while all of us were gathered around the OT table and watching a complicated Surgical procedure going on, the patient started to bleed profusely, we all got worried, very worried but not him, not Dr Samson who was the HOD of our Surgical Unit and Department. He calmly said " There is blood and it is nothing to be scared of, blood means Life, as long as there's Life, there will be Blood." And i stood there Startled. That is how positive his outlook was, and there standing in that OT on a bright sunny afternoon i learned one thing… You can always be positive and find positivity anywhere, everywhere. All you need is a cerebrum full of positive neuronal pathways and you are good to go. So Red or No Red let there be positivity always with you. 


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