Tea Things!

Tea Things!

Tea Tea is the most versatile and widely accepted beverage.


"Tea has been the most important part of many people's life."

Don't feel offended at this statement; I know many Coffee lovers would disagree with me, but believe me, you won't after reading "Tea Things!"

Tea has been the most pleasant thing that people had adopted ever since it came into existence and became famous for its varieties, taste, and good nature.


What is Tea?

Tea is a widely cultivated shrub (Camellia sinensis the family Theaceae, the tea family) native to China, Northern India, and South-East Asia and has glossy green leaves and fragrant white flowers being used as a beverage in many ways. Different regions, countries have their specific style of making Tea, but the only thing unites in all the things is the "Tea Plant."

Tea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over the leaves of the Sinensis plant. Even though I was an Espresso guy until I made up my mind to take its sip one day, rarely, its taste went off my mind, and I ended up adopting Tea.

Do you know that after water, Tea is the most widely consumed drink in the world?


If it is so then believe me people are not mad at dong this act of adopting Tea in their life

Tea is the national drink in Egypt and holds a unique position that even Coffee cannot rival.


Alright, I know most of you would remain stick to Coffee. Let's open up your eyes.


Tea or Coffee, What is Better?

While Green Tea is most commonly associated with antioxidants, white Tea contains more. Coffee also contains antioxidants, but in a much lower concentration than Tea when compared on caffeine level. Tea might be better if you like drinking your beverages in large quantities.


In this era, people want to be fit and don't want to gain any extra weight. Let's see whether Tea would fail here or not? I am inquisitive about telling you all.


Does tea increase weight?

Teas have a type of flavonoid called catechins that may boost metabolism and help your body to break down your fats more quickly. And the caffeine in many beverages increases your energy, causing your body to burn more calories. These two compounds probably work best together for any weight loss that may occur.

Moreover, our Scientists have found that the catechins (antioxidants) in green tea extract increase the body's ability to burn fat as a fuel, which accounts for improved muscle endurance. Drinking tea could help to reduce the risk of a heart attack. Tea might also help to protect you against cardiovascular and degenerative diseases.


Now I could think that most of you are satisfied. Isn't it?

But wait; don't start drinking it endlessly. Let's see why?


Bad issues with Tea:

Drinking a large amount of black tea, or more than four or five cups a day may cause health problems. That's mostly because of caffeine-related side effects. Side effects of black Tea (most often in high amounts) may include. Anxiety and difficulty in sleeping.


I think I am succeeded in opening the eyes of many people growing up with the wrong perceptions for a beverage like Tea. There should be no conflict between the Beverages as all of them carry their versatile values and cultures.










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About Author

Hi ! I am Ashish Dutt and is currently studying in a High School in India. Well having done my previous studies in a Convent School, much of my speakng and writing skills were enhanced so I thought of turning my skills into my passion and to set myself as an example amongst all the teenagers of my age. Well, I write the Knowledgeable Articles. I wish all my audiance would read my articles keenly and would insist me to write more for you all. Thanks.

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