Super affiliate checklist to promote a product!

Super affiliate checklist to promote a product!

Super affiliate companies have a complete-proof method to choose the right product to promote!
They have rules that they take every time they choose. Here is a super affiliate usage checklist:

1. Sales copy

The sales copy should be of acceptable quality! If it is well written and the super affiliate wants to buy the product, he has accepted it and will check it, and if it is worth it, he will promote it. The super affiliate knows that if the sales letter got him the product, it is possible that others did too!

2. The price of the product

Super affiliates think out of the box! They said, "Hey, this software doesn't cost ०० 30,000!

No one is going to buy it! I go and look for cheap! "Hmm ... if this product is worth it, I'll get a good commission from it!" I'll take it and see if it's perfect! ".

A super affiliate knows that if the product looks relatively expensive (e.g., 00)
And at the same time, it's a good one for a good sales letter; then they should test the product!

Why is that Because they know that this product can only be precious and that is the real price !!! And if that's the case, then it generates big sales!
This does not mean that super affiliates only promote high-value products! Not even close! They have products that sell for $ 67 $, $ 47 $, $ 2, and $ for! Because goods are valuable, it brings them another income (even if they only get it).
Sale $ per sale, more likely to sell the product - if it has a big bonus - just because no one wants to miss the opportunity to get a value of 7 50000 worth for a price of वा 2007 or ०० 50,000)!
The. Commission proposed by the trader.
Super affiliates want generous commissions to promote something. The higher, the better!
They look for one-tier affiliate programs and two-tier.
A one-tier commission program will pay you a fixed percentage on each sale.
The two-tier commission program pays you one percent for each sale and another percentage for any sales made through your referrals.
The super affiliate promotes the product, someone buys it (and gets a keen affiliate commission), and then the guy who initially buys becomes an affiliate for that product and promotes someone who believes it (the super affiliate gets another commission, which is usually not very big, but they More to come soon!)
It sounds great, but there's more! These are called recurring commissions, and super affiliates love them!
Repeat means repetitive and ..., and when you prompt this product that this type of commission has been made, all you have to do is sell it once (these are usually monthly subscriptions or hosting programs), and you pay again when the buyer pays. Next month and so on!
Now, you will see why super affiliates are so excited about these types of commissions!
The. Product quality
When they choose a product, the super-partners make sure it has great value! This ensures that they will sell the product and build trust with their buyers (which will be their potential for other products they promote in the future). Trust is essential for super affiliates because faith means more money in the future.

Plus, they look for hidden benefits that the product can have and make them the main selling point in their promotions! By doing this, one super affiliate starts the heads of other affiliate companies as no one can find the product's benefits!

Does the product match the strategy?
Super affiliates have plans and strategies that stay with them no matter what! The main reason for their success is this: they don't go after every hot new product because everyone is promoting it! If the product is in an area they are not interested in or find no clue about; they will not enable it!

Super affiliates usually specialize in 2-3 rooms! But they know inside their place, and when a product for specific comes out, fellows come to them to see if the product is right (if the super affiliate is promoting the product, it means it has good value). And only after they started preaching.

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Musaib Zubair - Sep 30, 2020, 6:48 AM - Add Reply

Very good

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