Tips For Diet Plan During Work from Home

Covid19 virus, which emerged in China last year, has affected over 12,37,420 people around the globe. Because of this outbreak, 67,260 people have lost their lives. No cure has been confirmed, yet we just have to take precautions. And due to which almost every country is lockdown people suppose to stay in their homes.

So people have to stay in their houses, some of them have to work from home. Overall, people need to stay in and not allowed to go out so, no gym, no jogging, and no exercise. But people use to eat lots of junk food, especially if they are working from home. People generally don't realize they are getting used to these junk and fast foods.

So let's discuss a few points through which you can improve your diet while staying at home.

Breakfast Is Important: People generally skip breakfast and want to have some coffee or tea in the morning. It is advised to have a proper and healthy breakfast. Having breakfast on time is also a part of a plan (just like you plan wake-up=>work-out=>get ready=>work), and it also helps you to avoid problems related to gas and Indigestion so have your breakfast in the morning only not in the afternoon. Try to have some healthy breakfast like Oatmeal, Conflex, Eggs, Greentea, etc....

Healthy Breakfast

Drinking Enough Water: Most people like to eat some snacks while working on laptops or computers; instead of eating Junk foods, drink water when you wanted to eat something as it is a proven fact that drinking an adequate amount of water helps to maintain our body temperature. And it also helps in increasing the rate of metabolism as studies have shown that drinking 500ml of water increases about 10-30% of resting metabolism for an hour.

Plan Your Eatings: Planning is everything, just like in life, you should plan your eatings as well. Plan every meal you need to eat if you like to eat breakfast, then plan for it what to eat and when to eat the same as for lunch plan for it if you feel like eating snacks in the evening (5 pm) plan for it. Because if you are not planing it you will either eat all day or you will spend the day without eating anything.

Prepare Meal: If you are preparing your meal time ahead, so just prepare your lunch like standard working days when physically go to work. Make sure you grab leafy stuff along with some chicken or fish, you can change the meal every day you can stick to some particulars but make sure your feed contains all necessary nutrients.

Eat Real Food: You should understand that having proper and balanced nutritious food helps you stay focus and work with more energy and efficiency. What you eat will impact your energy level and strength, so next time when you feel like eating something, don't just hand full of chips/fries or chocolates. Try switching to foods high in fibers, protein, or may rich in healthy fats. Nuts are the best replacement for junk snacks, and they rich in good fats. 

Meal Idea

Working Place:  Try not to work near or in the kitchen. If you have already prepared your meals in advance (as covered above), then you will open your fridge when your next meal is lined-up on schedule.

Workplace at home

Don't Consume Too Much Caffeine: Staying at home gives access to N number cup of coffee hence increases the consumption of caffeine, which decreases metabolism and leads to headaches, Indigestion, and even fatigue. Two cups in a day are enough.


Buying Habits: Don't stock junk food in your fridge. Improve your buying habits by switching from junk to healthy foodstuffs.

Healthy Stuffs

Note: Include some home work-outs in your daily plans.

I hope this will help in staying healthy in your home.

Stay At home and Stay Safe...!!

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