Psychosis and Psychotic

what is psychosis?

psychosis is a condition that affects the way your brain processes information. it causes you to lose touch with reality. you might see, hear, or believe things that aren't real. psychosis is a symptom, not an illness. a mental or physical illness, substance abuse, or extreme stress or trauma can cause it.

psychotic disorders, like schizophrenia, involve psychosis that usually affects you for the first time in the late teen years or early adulthood. young people are especially likely to get it, but doctors don't know why. even before what doctors call the first episode of psychosis (FEF), you may show slight the prodromal period and could last days. weeks, months, or even years.

symptoms of psychosis don't suddenly start. it usually follows this pattern:

warning signs before psychosis: it starts with gradual changes in the way you think about and understands the world. you or your family members may notice:

a drop in grades or job performance trouble thinking clearly or concentrating suspiciousness or unease around others lack of self-care or hygiene spending more timeusual stronger emotions than situations call for no emotions at all signs of early psychosis: you may hear, see or taste things others don't  hang on to unusual beliefs or thoughts no matter what others say

pull away from family and friends stop taking care of youself not be able to think clearly or pay attention symptoms of a psychotic episode: usually, you'll notice all of the above pluses:


auditory hallucination: hearing voices when no one is around

tactile hallucinations: strange sensations or feelings you can't explain

visual hallucination: you see people or things that aren't there, or you think the shape of things looks wrong

delusions: beliefs that aren't in line with your culture and that don't make sense to others, like outside forces are in control of your feelings and actions.

small events or comments have the huge meaning you have special powers, are on a special mission, or actually are a god.


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