Outstanding Health Benefits of Clove

Health Benefits:

1. Kills Harmful Bacteria: Cloves have antimicrobial properties. They help control the growth of bacteria that cause cramps, fatigue, and diarrhea.

2. Protects the liver:

Eugenol is a compound in the clove; it acts as a preservative for your liver. It also provides good fats that are linked to liver health. This helps to reduce inflammation in the liver and helps maintain full health.

3. Controls Blood Sugar:

Clove is known to contain a compound called 'nilycin', which helps control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Because nilicinone improves the ability of cells to absorb sugar from the blood cells, it improves the ability of insulin production in our body, thereby helping to regulate blood sugar levels.

4. Improves Bone Health:

Cloves are rich with Eugenol, which can increase the strength & stiffness of your bones by eliminating the problem of bone marrow in the abdomen, thereby reducing the risk of fractures. Manganese in cloves plays an important role in the development of bones.

5. Working as a Painkiller:

Clove-oil is very effective in relieving arthritis. If you do not have this clove-oil available, you can quickly relieve it by applying cloves as a soft paste and applying it in an area where arthritis is high. Everyone has been practicing this natural treatment for the treatment of arthritis since ancient times. If you are suffering from a toothache, chewing some clove pieces before consulting the dentist can help reduce the severity of the toothache.

6. Reduces Stomach Ulcer:

Cloves are very helpful in reducing the stomach ulcer or poptic ulcer, which means painful sores in the esophagus and stomach.

7. Acts as Antiseptic:

Clove paste has anti-fungal & anti-grimicidal properties which helps in killing bacteria and preventing infection from spreading.

8. Improves the Oral Health:

Ayurveda strongly emphasizes that it is advisable to use this clove in combination with tea-tree oil to protect your oral health.

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Muhammad Rasheed - Feb 21, 2020, 1:53 PM - Add Reply

Hey ! can u tell how u have approved your article ??

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