My grandfather, who is over 90 years old, said: when you are in a low ebb, you should never associate with these three people, otherwise it will be difficult to turn over

A person's life, twists and turns and strange is experience, ups and downs is normal.Every man has his ebb and flow, and his glory moments.


People in the trough, always feel lost helpless, eager to get help from others.But sometimes the influence of someone else can make your predicament worse.


My grandfather is more than 90 years old this year. He has experienced many setbacks and climbed many peaks in his life.'when you are in a trough, you must not associate with these three kinds of people,' he said.


1. The Buddha is undisputable, only for stable people


Life is like a wavy curve, high and low.But for those who only want to be stable and have an abnormal mindset, their life is often only a "trough" straight line.



Li shanglong once said, "your so-called safety is just a waste of your life."Only stable people, will like to stay in their comfort zone, and then stable idle, stable poor, life without waves.


Grandpa told me about grandpa li at the village store.When I was a child that small shop, is the paradise of my friends and I, almost every day to patronize.But gradually, as we grew up, grandpa li's shop remained.The thing that sells also is those all the time a few kinds, do not have new snack breed.


Grandpa said that when he was young, he and grandpa li were colleagues in the same workshop and good friends.But after being laid off, they made a different choice.



Grandpa li came back home, inherited his parents' store, and took him as a partner. They lived a stable life together in the small town.However, grandpa refused and went out to make a living alone. Although he went through hardships, he made a career and had a wonderful life that grandpa li could never experience.


In fact, grandpa li is not the only one who has this idea of stability. Now many young people are more and more interested in a stable life.A body in its 20s carries a soul in its 60s.Waste your life doing nothing.


Therefore, people who are in the trough but have a dream should never stay with those who just want to be safe.Because time is long, you also can be confused by the surface of stability, will become no pursuit, more and more far from the dream.



2. Small profit, small pattern of people


Psychological tunnel vision refers to this kind of person.It means that a person who is in a tunnel can only see a narrow space between the front and back.


Small pattern of people, just like in the tunnel.They are short-sighted and greedy for small profits, unable to see the cause and effect logic between things, often easy to do nothing for life.


Speaking of which, grandpa Shared a story with me again.The boss of a dumpling restaurant, every time he thought the free soy sauce on the table was consuming too much, he tried every means to find a kind of soy sauce bottle.



The mouth of this soy sauce bottle is very difficult to pour out the soy sauce, even if you shake it hard, only a few drops can barely flow out.After his experiment, the owner happily changed the soy sauce bottles on every table in the store.


But a month later, when the boss was counting the data, he found that the consumption of soy sauce increased this month instead of decreasing.Puzzled, he carefully observed the customer use soy sauce, just know the real reason.


Originally, the customer pour out soy sauce, on the lid unscrewed.Pour soy sauce from an extra large bottle mouth and you will certainly consume more.


Small pattern of people, narrow vision, always in small matters haggle over every ounce.Such person, always make a cocoon oneself, often let oneself lose more.


Therefore, in the trough of the people, must not with this small pattern of people.A person is always concerned about the immediate small profits, it is difficult to have great achievements.



3. Complain about life and people with negative energy


American psychologist David Hawkins has analyzed the effect of energy on a person.It turns out that the magnetic field of a positive person brings order and beauty to everything.Negative energy, on the other hand, can make the surrounding magnetic field become messy and bad.


"Do you remember your college roommate, ah qiang?""Grandpa asked me with a smile.


Of course I remember him.Just graduated from the university that day, I and a strong work is not too smooth, so there is a feeling of sympathy, two people are closer.



At that time, ah qiang would often complain to me about his bad work and unhappy life.Encounter a little trifling matter, can emotional abreact send message to me ceaselessly.


Once, grandpa saw my cell phone ring, he asked me.After I told him the truth, grandpa asked me not to reply to him again, and reduce contact.At that time, I didn't understand, and even had a quarrel with grandpa.


But afterwards just understand, at that time of a strong whole person is negative.If I keep replying to messages, he will use me as the object of his anger.This would not only make him complain more and more, but also affect my mood, and I could not extricate myself from the negativity.


Therefore, people who are in a bad situation should stay away from those who are negative.Not only will they spread negativity to you, they will also erode your confidence in life bit by bit.



As an old saying goes, "he who keeps company with dogs will be defiled." one is easily influenced by those around him.If you are in a bad situation, there are always people around you who are untouchable, greedy and negative.


Well, you have to stay away right away.Otherwise, when your magnetic field is all negative, it will be hard to turn over all your life.

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