Minor Injuries To Head Can Be Hazardous To Health

Head injuries are often minor or minor due to other reasons.  We often overlook this. However, doing so is likely to be costly.  Because the head injury affects the mental. One research has revealed this.This was explained in a report published in the journal Brain Injury.  It has been mentioned that it may be fatal if one of the beetles falls in the saddle, or if the head is slightly broken while having fun.

          According to Fannie Lacquer Geiger, author of the study and director of this research at Montreal University of Canada, some people have had minor head injuries at some point in their life, and then the ability to detect odor has decreased.But this People tend to ignore it as being normal.  Neither doctor is investigating this. So if that happens, tell the doctor yourself.

          For the purpose of research, the help of patients with minor injuries to the head of two hospitals was taken.  These patients were asked to identify the aroma of garlic, cloves, roses. Then about a year later, all patients were again asked to identify the scent.  The patient's ability to detect odor at that time and the ability to detect odor at the time of injury were compared. It has been revealed that even minor injuries to the head can be fatal.

          A healthy body resides in a calm mind and a brilliant brain.  Therefore, it is important not only to eat healthy and healthy lifestyle, but also to exercise regularly.  One study says that our brain works better by doing small exercises daily. That is, the brain develops in action.  A team of scientists conducted a research on mice. In this research, they found that small amounts of exercise daily activate a gene, further strengthening the connection between neurons in the hippocampus region of the brain.  This section is about memory and learning.

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