Mind and Memory

What is memory?

Have you ever asked yourself what actually is the memory? If I give you an example of a computer. Their memory is a collection of data stored in the binary format, well in the brain the definition is the same just in a different format. So what data do we store? Simple Everything we observe through our 5 senses. Everything we remember is nothing else than just pictures, sounds, tastes, and feelings. So now we know what memory is. It is an accumulation of pictures, sounds, tastes, and feelings. Moving onto how we usually remember something.

how do we remember?

Now let's consider how common people remember anything that we want to remember. That could be as simple as remembering a name. Now if you meet a stranger and he tells you his or her name. You don't remember it. You just listen to it. Now if you want to remember his name you could repeat it in your head a few times or go through its spellings a few times. This method is called repetition and the mind takes the repeated thing from short term memory and stores it in long term memory. That is how we usually remember anything, by repeating it over and over.

The thing we don't forget.

If you observe. There are some memories years old and there are memories just days old but you tend to remember the older ones and mostly forget the recent ones. Now, why those some memories stick with us and tend to stay with us for a long time? The answer is that because those memories are attached with a high amount of emotions that we felt at that moment. Now, why do mind don't you forget one thing over another in general? The mind filters the important and the unimportant and then it stores the important stuff to the long term memory.

Now how does the mind decide what is important is what is not? See the mind find the repeated things important because it assumes that if the same data is coming over and over again It should be important Next thing mind, by default, consider the memories important which are attached with emotions like love-hate fear excitement. That is how the mind works.

how should you remember?

As we know how the mind works now is the time to find the best way to attach emotions with the memories and to me and globally there is no better way than the method of mind palace to attach emotions of fun and amazement to any memory. Mind palace has been proven over the years to be the best way to remember anything. You could learn the method of mind palace on any online platform. Start using mind palace and you will be amazed over the power of the mind to remember.


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