Know 7 Great Tips To Lose Weight Without Dieting

The food map consists of avoiding certain foods rich in lactose, fructose, polyols ... in order to reduce the intensity and frequency of not very chic digestive disorders (bloating, nausea, gas, diarrhea, constipation) or extra digestive such as fatigue.


Fodmaps? This funny word is actually an acronym, each letter representing a group of foods that are enemies of well-being, especially the stomach. F for fermentable, O for Oligo (fructans), D for Disaccharides (lactose), M for Monosaccharides (fructose), A for And (and), P for Polyols (sweeteners)). Clearly, we must eliminate, at least reduce at best, the foods that ferment in the colon. And they are many ! Fodmaps are found in dairy products (lactose), honey, corn syrup, concentrated fruit juices (fructose), lentils, peas, artichoke, asparagus, beetroot, Brussels sprouts, leek, garlic, onion, melon, peach, watermelon, apple (fructans), chewing gum and sweets in which the sugar has been replaced by maltitol, sorbitol, xylitol (polyols).


Concerned with the problem, Julie Delorme suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome for over fifteen years until she followed the anti Fodmaps diet. Here are the main principles she recommends adopting:

1 / Have the right list of problematic foods Be careful, those that are conveyed on the Internet may be incomplete or obsolete. Check that the tables are based on reliable and recent sources. Refer to Julie Delorme's book which is precise and very practical.


2 / Read the labels " The diet low in Fodmaps is not a gluten-free diet, " argues Julie Delorme. Thus, a product which is poor in it may contain it. Conversely, a gluten-free product can be rich in it. So read the labels of a gluten-free product carefully to make sure that all ingredients are not off limits to you. For industrial foods composed of several ingredients, it is again necessary to ensure that they do not contain intruders. Beware of honey in some muesli, fructooligosaccharides in some gluten-free breads or sweeteners in drinks, cookies.

3 / Prepare your meals This is, of course, ideal for knowing what to swallow. In addition, the whole family can benefit from this healthier diet. Above all, it avoids having to prepare two different menus. Those who tolerate Fodmaps can eat in addition, for example, "normal" bread, onions or garlic, served in a separate bowl or an apple for dessert.

4 / Limit certain drinks ... which can make symptoms worse. So beware of alcohol, soft drinks or caffeine-based.

5 / Test your sensitivity to Fodmaps " After the four to eight weeks of the diet, if you feel better, it means that you have Fodmaps intolerance.", estimates Julie Delorme. Then you have to do reintroduction tests to specify which categories are tolerated or problematic for you. 

The goal is to be able to re-expand your diet for the pleasure and for the balance of your microbiota (flora For each test, choose a food from a category. Eat it in normal and usual amounts, once a day for three days. /÷/÷/The rest of the time, be sure to eat only foods low in

          Fodmaps. one after the other, taking a two to three day break between each attempt to prevent the effects from accumulating. If your symptoms do not increase, you tolerate the category tested and you can, later, reintroduce the foods of this category. If, on the contrary,you have more symptoms, it means you cannot tolerate this category.

6 / Avoid the traps The content of Fodmaps varies depending on the food or one of its parts, the amount and sometimes the preparation. " This explains why the white leek is rich in Fodmaps , warns Julie Delorme, while the green leek is poor, garlic is rich while olive oil infused with garlic is poor. , that wheat bread is poor, if it is leavened, but rich if it is leavened with classic baker's yeast, that fresh button mushrooms are rich in it but not canned ones ". Not that easy !

7 / Consult a specialist A dietitian-nutritionist specializing in digestive diseases and disorders can help you draw up your personalized assessment of intolerance and set up the right evictions. Because no need to deprive yourself for nothing! It is also important to consult because other causes (food or not) can be responsible for your symptoms in the belly .

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