How to Write A Perfect Email - Email Etiquette

Email Etiquette

Objectives Of Email Etiquette

1. Professionalism - One should consider his or her audience while composing an email to match their tone with them. Try to make the information as brief as possible, but must be concise. Check spellings, grammar & syntax error before sending an email. It demonstrates diligence & professionalism.

2. Protection from liability - Always check for grammatical errors & spelling mistakes contained in the email, as this awareness of etiquette protects a company from costly lawsuits. Misunderstandings & inappropriate comments can be avoided by reading the email from the perspective of the recipient. Never ever send or forward offensive remark in an email as the company may face court cases & million dollar's penalties. To protect the privacy of the contacts, always use the blind copy (BCC) or mail merge functions.

Choosing A Subject Line

The first text or a single line a recipient sees after the sender's name when the email reaches the inbox is called a subject line. The subject line must be convincing enough to the recipient that the information contained within the email is beneficial for their business or company. The subject line creates an incentive for the recipient to want to read further, similar to the title of a blog or article. Whether an email is opened & it's an interpretation by the recipient is often determined by the subject line.

Opening Emails With A Greeting

Starting an email with the right greeting gives recipients their first impression by you & sets the tone for the rest of the message. You need to tailor your greetings according to the type of email you are sending & the recipient(s) you are sending it to. There are no hard & fast rules to start an email. It's all about the context of the message, your expectations you wish to achieve as a result of email & how well you know the recipient. The greetings in the email also ensure whether the recipient is reading further or not.

Examples Of Perfect Email Greetings

  • Dear Peter, Hi Dany (if you know the person well)
  • Dear Mr./Ms. first name, last name; eg; Dear Mr. Raman Sharma or Dear Ms. Ria Roy (when you know the recipient's name)
  • When you don't know the person's name, various options are there: 

a) Dear hiring manager

b) Dear XYZ company HR

c) Dear Sir or Ma'am

d) To whom it may concern (only use when no workable options are there)

Bulleting In Email

Bulleting emails help organize information visually which makes it easier to read & ensure that the key points are noticed. It also helps in better legibility. Bullet points are often a useful way to present material consisting of a series of items or list-like information. There is no more useful organizational tool than a vulnerable bullet point.

Closure Of Email

It is very much important to end the email in a professional manner. A well-constructed email signs off, i.e. the last line of the email & your signature is very much essential in leaving the readers with a positive impression. The closing line is the last thing recipient reads & can be a motivating factor in how quickly they respond. There is a better chance of ensuring a positive response by using polite, friendly & professional language with a clear call-to-action.

Tips For Ending An Email

  • Always use your first name & last name while closing. The recipient will be clear with your identity & is less likely to get confused.
  • Be thoughtful about the closing of email which exhibits attention to detail & professionalism. It will leave a favorable impression & makes communication clear & easy to follow.
  • Use a professional tone in the closing by using context clues to determine the appropriate tone of the audience.
  • You can include your contact number, social media profile URL (if any) & even your mailing address.

Typing Signature In An Email

An email signature is a block of text that is appended at the end of the message sent. It is used to provide the recipient with name, business contact information, website URL (if any) & email address. It aids in creating a long-lasting impression, establishing brand image, communication & is also a marketing tool for the company or a person. There is always the option of attaching the signature to all outgoing emails or to specific emails. Most people often use a signature to sign off their email message or any other message. 

Determining Tone In An Email

Do you know that 90% of misunderstanding happens because of the tone of email?

While maintaining a positive business relationship; choice of words; the organization & the tone of your message allows the communication to be received  & understood. The tone is the quality of your writing That reveals the attitude towards the recipient & the topic. Tone comes from the choice of words, the structure of sentence & the order of information you present. The closest way you would speak to the reader in person is the best advice while setting the tone of your business emails.

The recipient will not be able to properly absorb or react to the text if the tone of the content is unclear, offensive, or confusing. The relationship with the person & the purpose of the email dictates the formality or informality of your email. For example; your tone will be informal with your colleagues than with seniors or clients. The increase in the text communication highlights the importance of proper knowledge of using tone & choice of words.

Image Source -  Image by talha khalil from Pixabay

Image by PublicDomailPictures from Pixabay

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