How to keep yourself healthy

How to keep yourself healthy

Staying healthy includes a balanced diet, staying clean,  getting plenty of exercise, and keeping your heart strong.

It ensures you to get out of drugs. These are vital factors to make your healthy life emotionally,  physically, and spiritually.

After your body by exercising, eating good sleep, and reducing stress can make you feel good. Feeling good about you can affect the way you think and feel.

You need to eat a variety of healthy foods that contain proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, etc. It can give you the confidence to help you to achieve what you want in your life.

People who practice good nutrition, hygiene, and exercise patterns develop lifetime habits to keep them healthy for many years.

You need to eat various healthy foods and eat an adequate amount of each to keep you fuelled up each day.



1. FAT 

Fat is significant to provide energy and support growth. It is the most concentrated source of energy that is available to the body.

Actual intake of fat can vary from 10 percent to 40 percent of the calories consumed daily, depending on personal or cultural regimens.

All fats contain both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids but are usually described as 'saturated' or 'unsaturated' according to the proportion of fatty acids present.

The energy value of fats is 9 Kcal gram (kilocalories per gram), which supplies the body with important calories. 

Excessive fat intake is a major causative factor in obesity, high blood pressure, coronary heart diseases,  and colon cancer. It has been linked to several other disorders as well.

2. Carbohydrates 

Carbohydrates provide most of the calories for your body uses. Carbohydrates are the main energy source for the human body.

To support a training session or competition, athletes need to eat appropriately so that all the food has been absorbed and glycogen stores are fully replenished.

Chemically, carbohydrates are organic molecules in which carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen bond together. Carbohydrates are the fuel for physical fitness.

3. Protein 

It is a nutrient made up of amino acids (essential and non-essential), especially for good health. People who eat too much protein may be at risk for high cholesterol or gout, a joint disorder.

The body relies on protein to build and repair body organs, muscles, and bones. It makes enzymes, antibodies, and hormones. It is needed to keep your body running smoothly.

4. Fiber 

Fiber is a tough complex carbohydrates. Fiber may be soluble: It dissolves in water,  and the body may be able to digest some of it.

It is a type of carbohydrate that the body can't digest. Great sources are whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beads and breakfast, cereals, and a manner of beans.

Apples and oranges contain a lot of fiber.


1. Exercise and rest 

In simple terms, exercise defines any movement that works your body at a greater intensity than your usual level of daily activity. It is also known as physical activity.

Benefits -:

• Exercise raises your heart rates and works your muscles and is most commonly to achieve fitness.

• Sleep not only recharges our energy level as well as recharges our body systems.

• It increases our immune system and recharges our body function at its best.


Hygiene terms are derived from the word clean and promote the health of people and the community.

It is the maintenance of health and healthy living. There are clean living habits everyone should try to follow.

Good hygiene will surely help to keep one healthy and thus avoid illness.

It ranges from personal hygiene through domestic up to occupational hygiene and public health. It involves a healthy diet, cleanliness, and mental health.


1. The smile is the most frequently used facial expressions. A smile can use anywhere from a pair of 5 to 53 facial expressions.

2. The human liver performs over 500 functions.

3. As a person ages,  the diameter of each hair on the head shrinks. Hair is the thickest in the early '20s, but by age 70, it can be as fine as a baby's.

4. The human performs over 500 functions.

5. At about fine feet in length, the large intestine shorter than the small intestine.

6. There are more than 600 individual skeletal muscles in the human body.

7. The feet have approximately 250,000 sweat glands.

8. The average ear grows 0.01 inches in length every year.

9. In the average, adult the skin covers 12-20 squares feet and accounts for 12% of body weight.

10. The slowest growing fingernails on the thumb nail and the faster growth is the finger nail on the middle finger.

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Simran Rathore - Nov 24, 2020, 6:36 PM - Add Reply

Thanks for article.

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