How the FCC let yours ISP paints a Rosey picture of internet speed

How the FCC let yours ISP paints a Rosey picture of internet speed

It may be why internet speed  aren't as fast as you expect

posted by Ayan jawed on 14 December 2019

It's an awful feeling that realizing that your internet speed is far slower as what your provider promised. But according to a new from The wall street journal on Thursday,the Federal

Communication commission could be doing very little to force to live up to their costumers' expectation.

According to the the WSJ, company like Verizon,comcast have work to influence the report and have used a Verity's of tactics over the years to boost the numbers. In doing so,the FCC'S reporting system could be showing connection speed's that are far faster than what costumer can actually get .

 Toward the tail end of the obama administration the FCC launched the program called measuring board band America. it's a very yearly review of the speed provider advertise as available to costumer. The agency's compare those speed to the reality on the ground through its own test its purpose is to ensure that in home internet internet service provider follow through on the speed that they promised to consumer

The agency isn't able to run a review on every connection in America. So it's force to reply on a predetermined sample of representative home's. But the journal reported to the provider are notified of which house hold the FCC will test in advance. That gives them plenty of time and room to boost speed before the agency has a chance to runs it's test its something that reportedly happened before Comcast  rolling out speed upgrade in a hand full of states  around the time of an FCC test.

posted by Ayan jawed on 14 December 2019 

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