How social media attracts today's generation?

Today's generation is attracted the most; it is social media. In today's time, social media has become a part of every person's life; most people spend more and more time on social media, but is excessive use, right? Are we wasting our precious time on social media? In today's time, excessive social media is being used, so it is the younger generation and children. Today most of the youth want to make themselves famous and social media is the only means through which a person can expose himself like putting his videos on social sites with his new photos and most important for him.
Getting likes and comments means that why are we living under pretenses? But it is important to understand the younger generation that they are the future of the country; this is the time to make a career; false appearances and false pride never take the person forward. In the same way, children are also highly influenced by social media; social media has taken away children's childhood. Today's children prefer online games except in the courtyard games, but social media affects them the most. Most children spend more and more time socially. Spends on the media and often affects children mentally and physically as well.
Importance of social media - Social media is important and beneficial in many ways for a person who is away from his family, who is away from the purpose of a job, or a student who is away from his family for studies, he can live anywhere in the world from his family. They can stay in contact with people and can also talk to their friends. In earlier times, there was no means like social media; earlier people had letters as only means of contact, which was also received by the person's family in the long run. Today, a person can stay away from his / her family and experience being near them through social. And one can also enhance his art in front of the world through social media.


Impact of Social Media - Talking about the impact of social media, it has proved to be positive in many ways; it is also a medium of education for students, i.e., any student can get many types of knowledge through it, while those of jobs and business people It has also proved to be beneficial, today many people are doing business with the help of social media. Most of the women are also doing their business through social media. Social media is a medium through which we can easily take any type of information, whether it is related to education or to start something new related to business.


Side effects - While social media is beneficial for us, it also has its side effects. The person can spread any wrong information through it; many people misuse social media. Cyber Crime is the biggest problem today.


How to Remove Attraction - Everybody knows that social media has become a part of our life today. Many people use it in limited, but many people use social media highly, which has the greatest effect. It falls on their mind, and many times, the person becomes victim mentally too. In that case, a person should concentrate on those things to keep both mind and body healthy to avoid his attraction. With this, a person can meditate to remove the attraction; every person has their own habits; some have hobbies such as a painter, someone likes music, someone is interested in dance, there are many ways to recognize our inner skills refine your art. Yoga is an example of a healthy body and a healthy mind. All the work or your art that arouses a new enthusiasm in the person can save the person from being attracted to social media.

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