Higgs boson (the god particle)

Einstien relativity theory

According to this theory , those particle which do not have any mass they travels at the speed of light in vaccum . those particle which have some mass will not travel at the sped of light ex- photon.

Why photons are masseless -

photons size is very small and it does interact with higgs field . So , those particle which do not interact with higgs field is mass less that is why photon is mass less. 

What is quantum field - 

universe is present in the form of field like - gravitational field, electric field, quarks field and higgs field ,etc. Higgs field is very important field . if we gave energy to these field pressent in this universe , particle will form. if we extract energy from this field particle will destroy.

ex- if we gave energy to electron field , electron will form , if we extract energy from this field electron will destroy.

Peter higgs theory-

In 1964 peter higgs says that there is higge field in this universe on giving energy higgs boson is formed this field interact with particle to produce mass in it .

higgs mechanics-

Those particle which interact with higgs field in large amount its mass is more and those in less its mass is less

this theory is proved by mathematical equation. This fieid is invisible .

 All the field are not similar anywhere but higgs field is similar every where in this universe .


If there is no higgs field all the elementary particle becomes mass less and we know that massless particle travel at speed of light . On this speed no electron orbits the nucleus and no proton and neutron found in stable state. Then there is no atom , no molecule , no universe and no life . So this boson makes life possible. So people called it as 'GOD PARTICLE'


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abhishek maurya - Feb 16, 2020, 7:57 AM - Add Reply

Thanks for reading

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