Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Students


1. Making healthy food choices

Healthy diet may not sound that thrilling. But it can help one stay fit and live one’s life to the fullest.

Poor concentration, fatigue, laziness, and frustration are signs that your children need to recharge power bank. Never let them miss breakfast. One can make a wholemeal toast, porridge or a whole grain cereal. That will boost energy levels.

Main meals should consist of basics like pasta, rice and lentils, and side dishes like casseroles, soups, and stews. And more fruit and vegetables. Students can pack lunch. There are a lot of videos on YouTube on how to cook for a few days (even a week!) ahead. With packed meals in your fridge, your teenagers be less likely to buy junk food nearby.

2. Staying hydrated

Our bodies are made up of more than 70% of watery liquid. It is responsible for the overall body function. To keep proper hydration levels, one should drink up to six or eight glasses of water a day. Choose simple water instead of soda, coffee or tea.

Drinking lots of water improves concentration and prevents overeating. It charges body so that one feels cheery throughout the day. It’s preferable to carry a bottle wherever one goes.

3. Getting plenty of physical activity

Doing enough exercise helps to maintain ahealthy body and sharp mind. Many students cannot stick to an exercise routine because of a lack of time or money. But staying physically active doesn’t necessarily mean working out every day. One can walk or bike to classes instead of going by bus or car.

The fitness facilities at many schools are outstanding. One can visit the gym before or between classes. If the schedule is too tight, one can do physical exercises in the dorm room. The Internet is full of work out and fitness tutorials. Sport increases muscle strength, helps to control the body weight, and improves mood.

4. Following personal health practices

Maintaining personal hygiene is vital for preventing the development and spread of infections. Even such a simple action as washing hands can help to avoid a plethora of illnesses.

If your kids are experiencing symptoms that have lasted for a few days, it may be high time to see a doctor or go to the campus clinic. Check this in order to prevent a more serious problem.

Don’t neglect the dental health. One must visit the dentist every six months.

5. Getting rid of bad habits

Avoid sugary and caffeinated drinks. One may cheer while doing homework late at night. But they are harmful in the long run. If one needs an energy boost, it’s good to eat more foods which contain protein and fiber.

One should quit smoking. It will lower the risk of diabetes, help one’s heart, lungs, and teeth, and prolong the years of life!

Drink responsibly. It is possible to enjoy dorm parties without consuming much alcohol. It dehydrates the body and causes hangovers.

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