God bless the lucky people, daughter blessing as a gift!

Daughter children are a special blessing for parents on behalf of the Great Allah. It is the infidelity of the infidels to think that their child is unclean. Disliking a daughter's child is not a sign of a believer. The child of the bride is not ominous, not inexcusable. Rather, the birth of a daughter is a sign of happiness and fortune. It is narrated from Hazrat Ayesha (RA), Rasulullah (sa) says that a wife is 'more blessed to her husband, whose debt is less than the seal and whose first child in May.' The Prophet (peace be upon him) further said, "In the house where the daughter had a child, then she did not trouble him (the daughter), did not disgrace her and did not give priority to the son, then Allah is the cause of that daughter." Enter him into heaven. " (Musnad Ahmad, 5: 227) The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said, "The man who has three daughters will have children, and he will teach them the knowledge of the Qur'an, the adab-Qa'idah, and nurture them with care and grace upon them." Paradise will be obligatory on that person.

The above statement proves that the daughter of Allah is a special blessing of Allah Ta'ala. Love your baby daughter more. Be gentle and kind, and nurture yourself with kindness. It's a piece of your college, a special part of your body. Take care of the infant daughter more than the son and care more for the infinite word of the Prophet (peace be upon him). One thing to note here is that the blessing of the daughter of Allah is great, but the son is also a child but in no small part. The purpose of this alliance is to avoid abusive attitude towards the daughter and child. Do not make your daughter neglect the desire of the only child.

May Allah Almighty grant all of us the honor of the Holy Quran and Hadith to bless the daughter of the daughter of Allah and to give the girl child-appropriate status for using her with the child and obtaining forgiveness. Amina-Jami 'Tirmidhi, Hadith 191 has another tradition says the Prophet من كان له ثلاث بنات أو ثلاث أخوات أو ابنتان أو أختان فأحسن صحبتهن واتقى الله فيهن فله الجنة. A person who has three daughters or three sisters or has two daughters or sisters. He has treated them well, and Allah has terrified them. For him is Paradise. -Jam Tirmizi, Hadith 3 See, this virtue was not mentioned regarding the son. Rather, the case of the daughter is stated. That is why we should cherish the upbringing of our daughters. The way of deliverance from the infant daughter of Hell is narrated from Hazrat Ayesha. The person who has been entrusted with the responsibility of raising a daughter and has patiently performed it will be out of Hell for him. -Jam Tirmidhi, Hadith - I do not see the companions of the Messenger of Allah (সাল)! The means of entering Paradise are also to nurture the daughter and daughter.

Again, Hell will be liberated from the well-being of daughters. Another great virtue is mentioned in the hadith. Anas narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The Messenger of Allah (ِ) said: The person who nurtured and nurtured two daughters [married to a good husband at the time of marriage], and I will enter Paradise together as if with two fingers. He showed his two fingers together. -Jam Tirmizi, Hadith The three virtues of child-rearing are the essence of all virtues. One. Allah will free him from Hell. Two. Give Paradise. Which is a place of blessing and comfort? Three. May Allah bless him with being the companion of the Messenger of Allah (।) in Paradise, which is the highest peak of success. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) described three virtues for the upbringing of daughters. Islam teaches us to rejoice over the birth of a daughter; Therefore, the news of the birth of daughters has been declared as good news.

And people are happy to hear the good news. This is why many ulama wrote the Qur'an, since it is the practice of the kafis to think of themselves as small because of the birth of their daughter, the reason of the infidelity and dishonor, so Muslims should be happy and happy because of the birth of their daughter. So that the infidels should protest this humble ritual and that the practice should be abolished. In addition to the virtues of child-rearing, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) has described the rights of daughters and children. In ignorance, the rights of daughters were deprived of these rights.

Even nowadays, they are neglected to earn their rights. That is why it is important to understand their rights. So that we do not neglect it. Protecting equality in expressing love is more important than loving one son and daughter child. Most people have less affection for their daughter and daughter than a son. The touch of love and love is with the heart. It does not occupy the will of the people. That is why people are not obliged to preserve equality in this regard. However, the expression of love is subject to human will. In this case, equality must be protected. Many are also expressing love.


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Md Rasel Mollah - Mar 29, 2020, 1:46 PM - Add Reply

nice story

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