Faith in allah


Believe it or not, but u have the motivation and will power within you, you may not it, but you have already motivated yourself many times in your life. During those times strong motivation and will power, you most likely overcame many obstacles

The purpose of this article show u a success pattern you can recreate repeatedly, anytime you want Insha Allah

The verse reminds us of time and again for the many blessings, we take for granted on a daily basis. Whether it be in terms of health wealth money food or anything and everything else

If there's anything I have learned through life experience over the past several years, it's let and let god. Everything happens for a reason You just don't know it(yet) By that, does it mean that you live carelessly and expect greatness? Absolutely not..!

Like I have talked several times over the course of time, why do we easily ask "why me?" In difficult times bt not in good times? How often do we truly stop to be thankful for everything we take for granted on a daily basis? Just look around your own circle of a network because you won't have to look far to find an example of someone that has it much worse than you, yet is handling their circumstances a lot better

If we truly took time to count the blessings we'd realize it's impossible because it would be endless. They are infinite...But we don't...This theme is repeated in various Surah's in the Quran

1.Surah Ibrahim: "And he gave you from all you asked of him...And if you should count the favor of allah you could not enumerate them...Indeed, mankind is most unjust and ungrateful."

2.Surah Nahl: "And if you should count the favor of allah you could not enumerate them...Indeed Allah is most Forgiving and Merciful

Just think of the basis that we consider necessities that not everyone has the luxury of roof over our head, food on the table, clothes...Be grateful..I'll be the first to admit, that I wait for the cross that not just me, we are spoiled

Even down to breathing, seeing, hearing walking talking most of us take it for granted because it's just a natural part of life too most. Those with issues pertaining to any of the above will tell you otherwise. It irks me to no end when in the public, You come across someone with a limb missing and people just stare. If anything, it should be yet another reminder for gratitude. 

Note: I don't blog about religion very often because I don't think I am any qualified to do so,but this is a good place for me to express my thoughts...!❤️? 


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