Effects of phone on health

Often we hear of people saying about their sleepless nights and end up saying that they are suffering from ' INSOMNIA'. But they never thought of the habit that is destroying their sleep unknowingly. The blue rays which are emitting from the well known and possessed device 'Smartphone' are the reason behind this. At night when we tend to use our cell phones in dark, our body metabolism takes it as the daylight and our sleep disappears...along with other reasons this could be the main reason behind the well-known disease 'INSOMNIA'. So far almost every person on this earth is handling a smartphone with advanced features. As time is passing on, technology is getting more advance which is indeed an advantage for the people living in this 21st century. But there's always a negative side too. Mobile ray's phone has a negative impact on our eyesight. Even if people use less of their cellphone they cannot completely deny using it. As we know all our works are now bounded to that simple cellphone. What to do now? What could be the remedies?

Even if we could not deny it, we can put a limit on its use. Using cellphones for working purposes and keeping it off until the next work arises. Special caution should be taken for kids and the young as they have a bright future and it can easily demolish some of the parts of the future as we can see most of the kids nowadays are getting addicted to online games and videos.

Everyone who is reading this should start noting their use of cellphones and at the end of the analyze your own use of the phone. 

Now it feels like in the past when mobile was just used for calling was far better than the present-day...!!!

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