Do You know the Ideal Breakfast For Sports men ?

We usually say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Without falling into a comparative study, it is true that a food intake upon awakening conditions, in part, the rest of our day on the energetic and intellectual level. You are also aware that the traditional "bread - butter - jam" breakfast is not suitable for the athlete, nor for an average individual for that matter. So what is the ideal breakfast when working out? Discover practical advice.


Why give so much importance to breakfast?

According to the Research Center for the Study and Observation of Living Conditions (CREDOC), it is estimated that 30% of children and 20% of adults skip breakfast at least once a week (1). This would have the effect of disrupting the blood sugar level for the day to come. We can never remember enough; breakfast is an important meal in the day of an athlete.


Breakfast is a special moment. It is surely one of the only meals you can manage from A to Z while at home. At noon, we sometimes eat outside on the go, for professional reasons. You can be tired, taken aback in the evening, which encourages fast food, meal delivery, outings with friends, or to restaurants. In short, in the morning, no excuse to set your alarm clock and prepare yourself a quality breakfast.


As a parent, breakfast is of the utmost importance, if only to impart good eating habits to your children. Going to school on an empty stomach makes children more tired, less focused, less participatory, and less attentive. As an adult and all the more athletic, the problem remains the same. You cannot be at 100% of your physical and mental capacities.


Therefore, ideally, preparing a quality sportsman's breakfast is prepared the day before. We wake up our alarm clock early enough to have time and/or prepare our breakfast in advance.


Carbohydrates for energy More glycogen, less fat! Glycemic Index To store glycogen instead of fat, eat low glycemic index carbohydrates.


Choose low glycemic index carbohydrates! Replenish your reserves: lentils, whole grains, basmati rice, wholemeal bread, fruits, and vegetables. Accompany your carbohydrates with products rich in fiber (salad, vegetables, soup as a starter) to reduce GI. You will promote storage in the form of glycogen rather than fat!


Eating is mandatory to have energy. This does not escape the breakfast. However, it is important to select the best carbohydrates. For this, the glycemic index is of great help. This index allows us to know the hyperglycemic power of food.


The higher the index, close to 100, the faster your blood sugar will increase, inducing a spike in insulin and easier storage in the form of fat. Learn more.


Conversely, a food with a low GI is preferred since it diffuses more slowly in the body, allowing it to provide continuous energy. We therefore strongly encourage you to favor this type of carbohydrate, with a low or moderate index.


The glycemic index of foods Chooses your carbohydrates according to their GI, favoring foods with a low to moderate glycemic index.

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