CORONA: A major threat to the world

                                 The virus is named after it's shape which takes the form of a crown with a type of lump or  protrusion around it and hence came to  be known as corona virus.It is believed to have occurred in a market for illegal wildlife in the central Chinese city of Wuhan and since it's a new disease there is no specific vaccine that can be used against it.However, according to the WHO(world health organization) have said that many of the syntoms can be treated and therefore treatment based on the client's clinical  conditions.The Chinese government had initially locked down Wuhan-the main epicenter of the outbreak of the virus. However the virus had spread to all continents is the world except Antarctica.It have reached USA,India,Japan,France,Italy,etc and have took the lives of many people.It  have reached there by means of tourist people who went to different parts of the continents.At present up to 3000 deaths and more than 80000 corona effected cases have been confirmed.

However some basic preventive measures can be taken against it to prevent it from spreading any further.

1.Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol based sanitizers.

2.Maintain at least 1metre(3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

3Avoid touching your nose,face and mouth before washing your hands.

4.Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbows or a tissue paper when you cough or sneeze.

5.If you have a fever,cough or difficulty breathing, seek medical care early and stay at home if you feel unwel.

6.Always drink hot water frequently and keep yourself warm.

7.Follow advice given by your healthcare provider or local public health authority on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.

8.Avoid going to mass gathering of people like concerts, festivals ,etc as there might be people who could have been effected by the virus.

9.When out in the open areas avoid coming in contact with other people like hugging or shaking hands as they might be effected by it.

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Akash tech study and mix video - Mar 9, 2020, 2:40 AM - Add Reply

Youra article is the best topic

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Sardili Terang - Mar 10, 2020, 8:45 AM - Add Reply

thank you sir

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