? bird and world

Do you know who is an ornithologist??? 

An ornithologist is a person who studies the behaviour, physiology, ecology,and conservation of birds and habitats in which they live.

One of them is weaverbird.there are more than 100 species of weaveringbirds that live in this world. Can an ornithologist dedicate his research to studying the entire family of weaveringbirds?

Ornithologist Salim Alidid exactly that! In the early 20th century he published a research paper exclusively on the activities,behaviour,and way of life of the weaverbirds. You can read his finding in his book of Indian Birds. For his contribution towards the research and conservation of bird and nature, Salim Moinuddin Abdul Ail was award with Padma Vibhushan.

Spot the BAYA! 

Did you know that Naya weaverbirds can be found in our very own India ?

It is fondly know as the 'Thookanan kuruvi' for the great engineering feat that it builds it's expertly crafted hanging nests are well insulated and neat, satisfying requirements that are conducive for various weather conditions.

Great Indian Bustard on Indian Bustard is a rare species of bird found in India and large bird with horizontal body and along with Ostrich like appearance, is among the heaviest of the flying bird once common on the dry plane of the Indian subcontinent as few who has won 50 individual where estimated to survive in 2018 and the species is critically endangered by hunting and loss of their habitats which consists of large expense of dry Grassland and Scrub this words are often found associated in the same Habitat as the blacknulk is protected under Wildlife ProtectionAct 1927 of India . 

Himalayan quail 

Himalayan Queen is a medium sized oil found only in the Western Himalaya North Weste India . Theatened whats is one of the rarest bird in the world and very unique to India. Himalayan quail inhabiting grassland strip Hillside particularly stand of tall grass and small similar to the Mainpuri bush quils.

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Allways look at bright size .?? #always simple