

Benzene is a carbon compound having 6 carbon atoms which means it contains 6 protons or hydrogen atoms.

 The chemical formula of benzene is C6H6. It contains three alternating double bonds.

                      Complexities or Facts

The double bonds of Benzene are not true double bonds. They are behave like more single bond. Because in general the distance between the C-C atom is 1.39A° and the distance between the C=C is 1.34A° but in Benzene the the distance between the Carbon atom is upto 1.37A° so it is the factor and complexity in  benzene so thats why its carbon atoms mostly behave like single bond. So because of the single bond behave benzene would undergo substitution reaction.

                             Substitution Reactions 

Substituion Reactions are those  reactions in which there is any sort of molecule which contains single bond or saturated compounds ( compounds which contain or which have single bond only)  which reacts with electrophile (electrons loving) or with an nucleophile (nucleus loving)  compounds for making bond with them. 

           Types of Substitution Reaction

Ther are two types of substitution reactions. 

1.Electrophillic substitution 

2.Nucleophillic substitution                     Electrophillic substitution :-

Electrophillic substitution is that in which electrons of the other compounds remove or transfer due to the electronegativity difference and that compound is removed from its place due to the attack of the electrophile  is called  electrophillic substitution reactions. 

 Nucleophilic substitution :-

Nucleophillic reactions are those in which a nucleophile attacks on the negative charge containing compound for its removal is called a nucleophillic substitution reactions. 

:Molceules dont like to contain a negative charge. They were like to become nutral rather than containing a negative charge . 

:Benzene have also containing some directirs or directing groups which guides the placement of E2 . The director group is E1 which is attached to benzene which tells  the placement or withdraws electrons from E2 and it will direct Eat Meta. However if E1 is somebody who donate electrons then it will direct Eat Ortho and Para. 


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Laiq - Feb 18, 2020, 9:14 PM - Add Reply

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Ahmad Tahir is a talented writer and scholar hailing from Pakistan. He graduated with a degree in Chemistry and is currently pursuing post-graduation in Chemistry from Government College University Faisalabad. With a keen interest in research and writing, Ahmad has honed his skills in crafting compelling articles and publishing them in various mediums. Ahmad's passion for writing began at an early age, and he has since been dedicated to improving his craft. He has written articles on various topics, ranging from science and technology to politics and social issues. His articles are well-researched, informative, and thought-provoking, reflecting his dedication to delivering high-quality content to his readers. Ahmad's academic background in Chemistry has given him a unique perspective on the world around him. He has a deep understanding of the scientific method and is well-versed in the latest advancements in the field. This knowledge has informed his writing, allowing him to provide insights into complex topics in a way that is both accessible and engaging. In addition to his writing skills, Ahmad is also an adept researcher. He has a keen eye for detail and is committed to thoroughly researching any topic he writes about. His dedication to accuracy and precision is evident in his work, and he has received praise for his thoroughness and attention to detail. Overall, Ahmad Tahir is a talented writer and scholar with a bright future ahead of him. His dedication to his craft, coupled with his academic background in Chemistry, makes him a unique and valuable voice in the world of science writing.