Artificial intelligence

Some ADVANTAGES of ACCOUNTING in Artificial intelligence


* Decisions taken by a machine are based on a set of algorithms: which reduces room for error.

* The ability to take right decisions in a short span of time.

* Situations where the safety of a human is insure,  An Al machine that is fitted with predefined algorithms can be used.

* Since a machine does not get tired, it can work continuously without taking my breaks.

SOME ADVANTAGES about Artificial Intelligence:-

* These computers are More Powerful and more useful.

* These are New and Improved interfaces.

* It can solve new problems that will be complicated for us.

* Better handling of information.

* Relieves information overloaded

* Conversation of information into to knowledge.nce:-

* Maintenance of business records.

* Preparation of financial statement.

* Comparison of results.

* Avidence in legal matters.

* Provides information to related particles.

* Help in taxation matters.

* Valuation of business.

* Replacement of memory.




* The overall cost of implementing an Al machine is huge; only a few can make use of it.

* The dependency of humans on machine is ever increasing.

* With efficient and 24*7 Al and automation, human jobs will soon b replaced by machines in the future

* Machines cannot think creatively or out of box and will not perform such tasks.

SOME DISADVANTAGES about new Generation:-

* These are so expensive and slow.

* It can increase cost day by day.

* Few experienced programers can use it easily.

* Few practical products have reached the market as yet.

* Difficulty with software development.

Some DISADVANTAGES of ACCOUNTING in Artificial gravity:-

* Expresses accounting information in terms of money.

* Accounting information is based on the estimates.

* Accounting information may be biased.

* Recording of fixed assets at the original cost.

* Manipulation of records.

* Money as a measurement unit changes in value.

 Artificial intelligence will Help us in every field of life in Future

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