8 Amazing Brain Diseases

Dear friends,

As you have read the title, you must have understood that I will tell you about some amazing diseases of the brain, in which you will be surprised to know. These diseases are very bizarre and fatal. The first of which is a disease;

This image show a inside picture of a brain which is looking like a tree branches.

1. Alien Hand Syndrom:-

This is a disease in which the victim's hand is not under his control. And that hand behaves as if that hand has been subdued by someone else. The victim does not even know that his hand is doing something like this. As his mind may not have said.

And the victim tries to stop the antics of his alien hand with his other hand like this. As if it were someone else's hand. The disease was first identified by a German neuroscientist, Kolstrain, in 1907.

According to him, it is a kind of neurological disorder. In which the hand is related to the brain and nervous system. Or it could be a brain trauma. And there is no exact cure for this disease yet.

2. Cotard syndrome: -

The person suffering from this disease starts feeling that he is dead, and now he is just a dead person. It can be very difficult and strange for you to believe that someone can consider themselves dead.

But the patient with this coward syndrome indeed starts thinking of himself as dead. On the contrary, he can also believe that he will never die now. Both of these situations are very dangerous.

Because the patient tries to harm himself to know the truth of his illusion, it even tries to commit suicide.

Many patients feel that the blood in their body has dried up. And the parts inside his body like heart, lungs, etc. have been removed. It is also called Baking Top Syndrome. It has been very difficult for doctors to understand this.

3. Fregoli delusion: -

In this disease, the patient starts seeing all the faces alike. Only the clothes look different. He seems to think that the person with this face has done some black magic. The victim has a lot of difficulty in identifying the person.

Such a person sometimes goes mad. The exact reason for this is not yet known. But the doctor considers this as an injury to the brain. Due to injury, humans know only one face, which they know.

4. Apotemnophilia: -

A person suffering from this disease starts to feel that no part of his body belongs to him. And he wants to get it cut or removed. In this, a person starts harming his body.

A 20-year-old girl living in North Carolina, Jewelcyssini, while speaking about her subject, says that she wanted to be blind from the age of six. She says that she started walking with a stick wearing black colored glasses.

By the age of 20, this idea had completely dominated his brain. And he was treated like a blind girl.

At the age of 21, he convinced a psychiatrist to make him blind. Then he gave two drops of acid to Sini's eye, which caused great pain and irritation in the eyes. But she was happy that her childhood dream was fulfilled.

5. Capgras Delusion: -

In this, there is a disconnection between the information of the mind and the feelings of the mind. The patient suffering from this disease starts feeling fake to all his family members and all his things. Such patients start doubting themselves. And start believing in unknown people.

They start to feel that the people who live around them are conspiring with them. And want them dead. They also find a doctor who wants to kill them by giving them medicine. Therefore, they trust others and start asking for help from them.

6. Dissociative Identity Disorder: -

This disease is caused by too much stress. It was recognized by Jali Mason in 1955. In this, the patient loses his own identity. And he assumes more than one identity inside him, like to consider yourself as someone else or to speak in someone else's voice.

For example, there is an incident that a woman named Serli was taken to the psychiatrist for treatment of this disease. So the psychiatrist asked, how are you? Mason replied, "I am fine, but she did not come; she is not well, and I am Peggy." This answer tells that she was living in another identity at that time, which was named Peggy.

During the treatment, the psychiatrist found that there were 14 identities inside him, which were appearing in different ways at different times. Later the disease was named Multiple Disorder.

This disease is more among those who have seen a lot of grief in childhood. In this, the idea of ​​suicide comes in the mind of 70% of people. For example, in the above incident, Sealey has seen grief, and Peggy has not seen it.

7. Oedipus Complex: -

In this disease, the child starts loving one of his parents more. Therefore, the one he loves more cannot see anyone else. And can also harm him, Because he feels that this other person can harm his loved one.

8. Vandingo Psychosis: -

The person suffering from this disease gets used to eating human flesh. Because of which he starts killing others. And if he cannot do this, he does not get the meat of others; then he tries to harm himself. Even commits suicide.

So these were some terrible and amazing diseases that are impossible and difficult to treat. Do not panic knowing about them, but always try to increase your morale.

Brain health is very important. We provide all the facilities. People find various types of entertainment, but they forget how important it is for our brains to be healthy. We are running so much to find the happiness that we do not remember that the mind needs rest to stay healthy.


We should meditate daily to keep our mind healthy; we should rest and eat sattvic food so that our body is healthy and when the body is healthy, the mind is happy, and when the mind is happy, then thoughts are pure, and thoughts are pure.

As soon as our brain is healthy and its power increases, we will be saved from incurable diseases of this type of mind, take care of yourself.

                                             || Have a nice life ||

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