5 Tips To Improve Your Stamina

1. Eat Healthy Foods

   Try to avoid eating junk foods and fast foods as they contain unwanted calories and chemicals that decrease our body's maximum potential when it comes to physical activities. If does not contain any nutritional values. Try to eat foods rich in proteins and vitamins as it fuels our body for the physical demands. Also avoid fatty and sweet foods. Eating junk foods causes our body to develop unwanted fat that makes our body unfit and unable to perform at our best. These may also lead to reduced flow of blood to our body from the heart as this fat may block our blood vessels. So next time you want to get your hand on junk foods, remember this

2. Quit Smoking

  If you smoke, quit now. As we all know that, not only is it harmful to our body, but also decreases our stamina as it lower the capacity of our lung to absorb oxygen. Lower amount of oxygen means lower stamina. Some people smoke before engaging in a physical activity as they say it will help them to be calm but this is wrong. Because when you smoke, your heart rate gets lowered and when you start running or do activities physical your heart rate is increased rapidly. This poses a serious risk to your heart and maybe your life. So try to reduce smoking or quit it completely.

3. Drink Water Frequently

   Water is an essential if you want to perform better in sports. When not engaging in any sports activities try to drink water ever half an hour as it helps the body to be energized. When you are engaged in a sports avtivity that requires high workrate your body heats up and to cool this down our body produce sweat. This sweating drains the water content in our body. So, keeping hydrated will help you to perform for a longer period as you want.

4. Avoid Masturbating Before The Activity

  Try to avoid Masturbating before engaging into your physical activities like sports or going to the gym as it lowers the testosterone levels in your body that makes you feel tired and unmotivated. It also weakens the body as the body gets heated up and exhausting energy required to perform.

5. Warm up

   Let it be any sport, warming up is a crucial part that you shouldn't skip. As warming up before a match lower the chance of getting an injury while your perform. Lesser injuries means better performance. Warming up makes your muscles and joint be more endurable and resistant to injury. From a personal experience, warmup gives that extra confidential and energy for me to perform better at my sports as it makes me feel more alert to my body. Also, warming down after a heavy workout or physical activity is necessary to prevent any injuries later and to recover quickly.

Keeping all this in mind, well, having a good mind set is crucial to perform better in any department as your mind is the strongest of them all.

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