4 facts in astronomy that are not hard to get.

4 facts in 'Astronomy' that are not hard to understand

Astronomy is the study of the stars, planets, galaxies, comets, and other non-earthly bodies and phenomena. There have been two types of astronomy. One is observational astronomy and another one is theoretical astronomy. Pioneers of astronomy are Ptolemy, Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Galileo, Newton, Halley, and others. There are many different things in astronomy. Most of them are very interesting. It makes you wonder. Complicated stuff like a black hole, wormhole, a white hole is not as hard as they seem. Once you try to understand them with full curiosity and passion, it actually gets quite easy. Here are the easy definition of the black hole, wormhole, stars, and galaxies.


There are trillions of stars in our universe. They might be million or billion years old.A star is a luminous ball of gas, mostly includes hydrogen and helium.

A star is held together by its own gravity. Chemical reaction, thermonuclear fusion generates a star's heat and energy and causes it to shine. All stars eventually burn through their hydrogen fuel and die out.  Just like planets, stars move along with great speed. Massive stars collapse into themselves and form a bottomless well of gravity, called a black hole. More massive stars blast into space into a bright supernova leaving behind a dense body called the neutron star.  The stars are also categorized by their luminosity classes, from white dwarfs to hypergiants.

A group of stars is called constellations. They make imaginary shapes in the night sky. The only star that remains in its place all the time is called POLARIS. Our earth's axis points directly to the Polaris


A galaxy is a huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and planets. It is held together by gravity.

Galaxy has waves. It can't be seen but the structure can. There are mostly spiral galaxies. It is the most beautiful galaxy. There are elliptical galaxies, irregular galaxies also known as dwarf galaxies and local groups. Elliptical galaxies don't create new stars. The stars that are seen there were created a long time ago. Irregular galaxies are all of those galaxies which are not spiral or elliptical. The galaxies have clouds in them just like the clouds on earth. But galaxies vast clouds are of cosmic gas and dust stretched thousands of light-years. The largest galaxy in the universe is known as IC1101. Our own galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy. It also has a black hole in the center like other galaxies. Some galaxies clumped together and make small local groups. The local group consists of 30 galaxies.


Our galaxy is called the milky way. It is a spiral galaxy. The sun rotates around the milky way which takes 230 million years just to complete one orbit.


A wormhole is a theoretical passage through space that creates a shortcut to another galaxy or through space and time. The wormhole is also known as the Einstein-Rosen bridge

Wormhole creates massive shortcuts between any two destinations. Its where space bends and makes the road or a passage to another galaxy or so on. We can travel faster than light if we use wormholes. But scientists are not even sure if it exists. But yes, they do exist in theory but there is no proof. Greatest theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephan Hawking said that wormhole could be all around us. They are microscopically small(smaller than an atom). So through a small hole, our body can not travel. We still haven't figure out how to identify a wormhole. So a wormhole is not suitable for space traveling. If wormhole possible, we can travel into another dimension.


A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that nothing can escape from its pull.

When the core of a massive star collapses the star implants a black hole. If you look at a black hole, you would see the event horizon, not the black hole itself. Anything that crosses the horizon, needs to be traveling faster than light to escape it. It's quite impossible. So a black sphere is noticeable there. So what is in the middle in the hole? The singularity. (A singularity is more like the answer to a question for which there is no answer).We still don't know what causes the singularity. All we know it has a huge gravitational pull. But it doesn't sweep away anything. So apparently, the further away from the singularity the longer you live. The supermassive black hole is known as S50014+81. It is 2367 billion km in diameter.

The first image of a black hole

The first black hole was predicted by German physicist Karl Schwarzschild in 1915. The first image of a black hole was captured in 2019.

To reach a blackhole and' look' inside it, would change the singularity equation. But It's impossible because if one gets close to the horizon no one can survive. Its gravitational pull is so strong that it can rip your body apart.

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I am just a kid who loves the universe and wonders........

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